Famous movie lines - in Ebonics



What if some famous movies were remade to fit into today's pop
culture? Instead of being in boring old English they'd be
written in Ebonics. I've taken the liberty of translating a
few easily identifiable movie quotes into this new language
for your reading pleasure.

"Luke, I'm your father."
Ebonics: "Hey boy, I's yo daddy."

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"
Ebonics: "Later, bitch!"

"To be or not to be? That is the question."
Ebonics: "Is I is or is I ain't? Shiiit"

"I'll be back."
Ebonics: "I's a fixin' to bust a cap in yo ass."

"We're off to see the wizard."
Ebonics: "We's fixin' to see the hoodoo 'bout some voodoo."

"You've got to get mad! Stand up wherever you are, go to the
nearest window and yell as loud as you can: 'I'm mad as hell,
and I'm not going to take it anymore!'"
Ebonics: Fuuuuuck You!

"We're going to need a bigger boat."
Ebonics: You see da teeth on this mutha ****a? Turn this
piece-a-**** around and get my black ass back to shore!

"I am Spartacus."
Ebonics: "Who da **** is Spartacus?"
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