yes multi very interested...
right now my mind is very swollen with many many decisions, one day i will want to completely relocate with or without my wife, the next day i will decide to go to nti for the 63 weeks and then come back to ohio until i can get an offer from a team. then maybe during that same day i will think i will go to nti, have my wife come down for a week every other month, and graduate come to ohio and get a job with an pro race team or semi pro team.
so the way i see it as of now. im unhappy with my job, racing is my only passion in life and even if i dont get on a race team. i need to go to nti to learn things that i dont know, which honestly the only the i cant to as a mechanic is tig weld and hang/ fabricate a nascar body. so if nothing else i need to go so i can ad those things to my skills.
i feel im good enough and passionate enough about racing that i can get a job on a team, i want to also go to the track on a team as a tire changer.
i think i may leave my wife and kid behind for 63 weeks so i can go to the school. i feel i need to atleast try to get into racing, i have tried other jobs such as being a fireman, took the test past it but was down on the list because of now military or college credit, i have tried being a factory worker for a year but eventually the overtime i volunteered for took a toll on my body and was fired becuase i came to work late a few times. i have done the mechanic job for ten years now, and even though there are a few big checks the small ones out way the good ones, and the public sucks as alot of them want their car inspected but later decide they are to poor to get the work done on their car.
so i guess i should try to follow my passion and try to get into the racing industry, big or small team. if i fail atleast i know i tried as opposed to wishing i did i tried it.
im filling out my financial aid papers today, its easier for me to plan in advance if i go or dont go, but very hard for me to plan to go at the last minute.
so what else is there to do.
please keep the advice coming from everyone i really want to here opinions whether they are positive or negative.