First snow



OK, I admit it's not much but it was below 32, stuff fell out of the sky and the ground was covered with white stuff earlier which has slowly melted.

Only one in this house who is loving it is Naja, our Siberian huskey.
Don't know what it is about the Champlain Valley here but all we've had all day is cold rain
This is Southern California, flakes we got, snow we don't...
Ditto L.A. (Lower Alabama)
Couresty of Frank Zappa (I'm probably the only Zappa fan here):
Flakes! Flakes!
Flakes! Flakes!

They don't do no good
They never be workin'
When they oughta should
They waste your time
They're wastin' mine
California's got the most of them
Boy, they got a host of them
Swear t'God they got the most
At every business on the coast
Swear t'God they got the most
At every business on the coast
They got the Flakes

Now, back to the snow.
Had about a half of an inch of snow plus freezing rain on top of it when i left for the gym at 5am, a little slick in places. If we had been a few degrees colder here yesterday we would had about a foot or more of snow.
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