First thing that comes to your mind

People who believe in a religion based around the teachings of a man and not the word of God. Karma affects you throughout your life and you next lives. Karma is acts or deeds you do, with the idea being that one should accrue good karma and pass their good karma to others so that we all can pass exit the samsara, which is known as the circle of life. The idea is to accrue good karma so that you can be released from your rebirths and exit the circle. Once you are released from the circle of life, you enter the Ultimate Reality or Nirvana. No humanly words can describe Nirvana, or so they say, and no thoughts in Nirvana could ever be imagined in our humanly world.

An odd but interesting religion. I had to take a world cultures class and heard the Buddhist class was an easy A. It was. hehe.
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