Five days without smoking!


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Proudly Southern
Reagan was in office last time I made it this long without a cigarette. And even despite a few women in real life (and SST on hereB)) trying to make me crack, I am still holding tough without snapping or going nuts.

Actually, I hadn't even aimed to quit--I just ran out and didn't buy another pack and ZAP! I have now made it five days!
The price of those things would have made me quit a while ago.If I was a smoker.:eek:

Anybody tired of seeing those new quit smoking commercials yet on tv?
I think the to freak you out! But they have took the campaign to the radio now too, its a person who has to talk with that thing up to their neck since they have a hole in their throat.

But good job man! Keep it up! Is your daughter keeping you in.check or making you want to go postal during this time?

BTW I should be at Dega in the fall. Totally need to do that beer then man!
Yeah lapster, those commercials serve their purpose.:cheers:

And yeah, all my daughters pretty much make me wanna go postal. ESPECIALLY that oldest one.

And sure Nick, we will hook up in the fall, holler at me, I'm living over in walker county now. I will drop you my number for anytime you are down this way.
Just saw this thread. Very cool 97! I quit about 8 years ago. It's tough but if you've got the will power, you'll do it. Keep up the good work. I'll be rooting for ya. :)
I quit smoking over 20 years ago, after smoking for about 6 years. I can tell you that after about 5 days I didn't have nearly as much trouble. Also, you may want to watch the old movie Cat's Eye, if you can find it. It's based on a Steven King book and James Woods plays a guy who takes measures to quit smoking. It's pretty good.
Yeah lapster, those commercials serve their purpose.:cheers:

And yeah, all my daughters pretty much make me wanna go postal. ESPECIALLY that oldest one.

And sure Nick, we will hook up in the fall, holler at me, I'm living over in walker county now. I will drop you my number for anytime you are down this way.

Is the oldest one the one I use to talk to? Talk to as chat on the computer? Yeah I'm sure I'm not helping myself out here am I? Haha :p

Found out the girlfriends fall break started on the 4th and the race is on the 6th, so think well head on down.

But keep up the good work! Dad quit 21 years ago or so after smoking for 30+. I quit dipping a few months ago. I did take one last night but it did nothing for me. So I don't need it, plus ill save my money. :) but you da man Clark!
Is the oldest one the one I use to talk to?
Yep,, Erica aka Twitch...mean as ever, in fact we don't really jeehaw much these days. :biggrin: Would give you more info, but we really don't speak a lot.

Hey, lapster, that reminds me, you still in touch with Steph/pookie any? I lost touch with her after a computer reformat and right after she went into the Chicken business one county over...last I heard she was doing well as a chicken rancher though. :owned:
Back on the not smoking thing though, I am seriously amazed at myself for having made it this long. It was just getting too danged expensive of a habit.

It's really been much easier than I would have ever thought( so far). It does keep me hungry all the time. I'm relying on tic tacs and life savers, lol.

Also, keeping as busy as possible, even if surfing the net here, has been the biggest help. As long as I'm focusing on something I'm good. I'm going to hang tough, I've already saved about 30 bucks ( 5 bucks a pack, a pack or so a day).
Yep,, Erica aka Twitch...mean as ever, in fact we don't really jeehaw much these days. :biggrin: Would give you more info, but we really don't speak a lot.

Hey, lapster, that reminds me, you still in touch with Steph/pookie any? I lost touch with her after a computer reformat and right after she went into the Chicken business one county over...last I heard she was doing well as a chicken rancher though. :owned:

I forgot how to spell her name, I did remember it though. But I knew if I miss spelled it shed show up at my front door and beat the tar out of me! :D

Me and Steph will chat on Facebook some, she seems to be doing good, she's got a little farmer now that I'm sure keeps her busy!
Stay strong on the non-smoking. Me...................haven't tried again in a while. Guess I'm not ready to quit again.
I forgot how to spell her name, I did remember it though. But I knew if I miss spelled it shed show up at my front door and beat the tar out of me! :D

Me and Steph will chat on Facebook some, she seems to be doing good, she's got a little farmer now that I'm sure keeps her busy!
Steph is doing very well. The little farmer is so very, very cute.
Stay strong on the non-smoking. Me...................haven't tried again in a while. Guess I'm not ready to quit again.

If I would have pre-meditated it I never could have done it, Maj-est-yx, no way. I would have psyched myself out. :D
Keep it up, Clark. You're stronger than any old cig.

Thanks, Franna, I can do it as long as I'm tricking myself into thinking I've not actually quit, I have essentially quit. Convoluted method but ya'll know how my mind works.:wacko:
Glad to read that you are still on the non smoking path. It gets much easier as the days by.

Try taking half of what you spent on cigs every day and put it away somewhere. You'll be amazed at how quickly it adds up. Do something to reward yourself or you family with what you are able to put aside. Outside of the obvious health reasons for quitting, there are many rewards that can be had from what you're doing right now and it's a great incentive to continue your new focus.
Thanks for the encouraging words, dpkimmel2001. Today marks one week--a milestone of sorts. I have noticed it's easier a little with every day that passes, so long as I simply don't dwell on it.

I have noticed it seems the actual little 'rituals' one associates with smoking( times and situations and the actual act of holding, lighting, smoking) have been a little harder to break than any craving for nicotine proper---if that makes sense.

I can do it though, it's just a matter of finding something else to occupy myself with during those five minute-per-smoke chunks of time. The extra time on one's hand---five minutes or so per smoke times 25 smokes per day or so do manage to add up and I find myself noticing that a lot, lol.I have been smoking since about '82, . so thats been a big adjustment.

Anyhow, thanks everyone, I think I can handle this, so long as no real big stressful type situations occur. And as long as I don't actively( or sub-consciously) try to instigate a stressful situation just as an EXCUSE to smoke---I'm guarding against that closely....whew.
I have noticed it seems the actual little 'rituals' one associates with smoking( times and situations and the actual act of holding, lighting, smoking) have been a little harder to break than any craving for nicotine proper---if that makes sense.

Perfect sense. That's exactly how it was for me. As an example. I had a 1 hour commute to work. I'd fire up a smoke as soon as I got in the car. Another as soon as I'd pass a particular location. Then, just before I'd arrive @ work yet another. It was most certainly a habit of times and situations as you've described it. The actual nicotine craving wore off rather quickly. The mental part is the biggest hurdle and it sure sounds like you've got a handle on that and are ready to quit this time.
Keep staying strong!
Flashback in time to 1969. Had been a regular three pack a day smoker for many years. After dinner one evening, sat in the easy chair to read the paper and my bride called from the kitchen, "look at your son!" He was two at the time and here he was, sitting alongside the easy chair on a foot stool he dragged over, holding a magazine (upside down) and had a butt from the ash tray stuck in his mouth. I took one look and vowed I would quit, using this logic: if he ever started to smoke, I didn't want to be his teacher.
November, 1969, I smoked my last cigarette. Funny thing is, as the years pass, there are times I still think about or dream about smoking. Just is, the cravings get fewer and further between but they never seem to end. So, don't give up, it isn't easy as the cigarette demons are always there.
Hey, want me to send ya a pack? No problem as yer gonna need'em.:bounce:


Now that right there is some funny chit :)
I'm still hanging tough, I can do it, but yeah, you don't forget the things, thats for sure.

And I don't know what any study says, but they are a big appetite suppressant .........:owned:
I'm still hanging tough, I can do it, but yeah, you don't forget the things, thats for sure.

And I don't know what any study says, but they are a big appetite suppressant .........:owned:
As hard as it is to believe, you will forget them eventually.

Buy plenty of fruit! If you have to eat something you can't go too wrong with an apple or something. ;)

Keep up the good work. It's going to get easier.
Good for you Clark! Been quit myself for 12 yrs now ... still crave them after all this time.
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