For 71Fan



Due to me losing a bet, I have to say that according to 71Fan, Ward's a has-been.

Still, I say that before the race started, I'd have taken Todd 8th over every hired gun in the field....and you would have too if you're honest.

But I never welsh on a bet, so there ya go.
Ol total em is having a bunch of good runs as of late aaaaand He's not wrecking any cars...Im surprised.
So no, it's not according to 71Fan. Still, that was fun. I think once is enuf TN. Now if you were some radical my driver's the best in the world type I'ld be rubbing it in really really hard but that's not you and that's not me.

Ward's a dern good driver. Might even have a few wins tucked away for future use. But has been? nah, not yet.

We'll do it again sometime ok?
Mighty gracious of ya, 71.

I kept hoping Jones and Pruett would spin each other out...

I have said many times that Ward ain't much of a threat for a Winston Cup championship. His performance is not the primary reason I chose him. Oh, he's good for a win or two a year, but that's about it. I chose him because he's a helluva nice guy, he keeps his nose clean, and for his off track actions. I too am a wildlife advocate (notice I did NOT say activist...not a tree hugger) and have a lot of respect for what he does with his fund. So y'all won't be hearing any blind cheerleading from me...unless he wins, then I get a little loopy. So yer probably safe until Darlington.

It was fun though, 71. Gave me something else to listen for on the MRN rundowns. I'm always game.
Way cool TN......I carried Ward on my fantasy team for most of the past two years. He was a very consistant front-runner. Haven't used him this year as the rookies are cheap and doing right well.

I got stuck on Dave Marcis cause he and my dad knew each other. I stayed with him because of the workingman's attitude that he brings to the sport.

Towards the end of his career I'ld get loopy at a lead lap finish. I know the feeling.

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