Fortune Cookie Game



Okay, the rules are simple. You know the messages inside your fortune cookies that try giving you some sort of advise or insigt into life? As my father told me, add "In between the sheets" after the message, and they become more more insightful. :)

See what you can find or come up with. Here's an example to start:

"Good to begin well, better to end well."

... in between the sheets.
I guess I'm really a moron because I have no clue what to do.
either come up with a fortune cookie message or find one that is funny if you add the phrase "in between the sheets" after it. Probably too hard to do on the board, fun to do at home.

"Set your goals high and you will always move forward."

In between the sheets.
"Your Lucky day was yesterday, and today ... well don't leave the house."
"Your reliability is noted by others" in between the sheets.

"In the world are lots of morons, and you are one of them. So go hide in a cornor and hope the great one does not find you. Who is the great one? Me"
"Beware of the chopstick-wielding murderer standing behind you"
"Treat other like you want to be treated" between the sheets

"Self-knowledte is a life long process..."

in between the sheets. :)

(speak chinese : Is it convenient? = Fanghian ma?)
"A soft voice may be awfully persuasive..."

in between the sheets. :)

(speak chinese: ice cream = bingquilin)
You have an unusually magnetic personality... in between the sheets.
"Your lotto number are 12 3 6 78 9, but don't worrie about using them for you will die tonight before the drawing*

Keep true to the dreams of your youth... in between the sheets.
There is to much youth in the world so stop looking for the fountin of youth and find the fountin of smarts.
Here's a great one...

You are a traveler at heart. There will be many journeys... in between the sheets.
(what is up with this sheet crap? )

To find the meaning of life walk down a dark ally flashing a $100 bill.
(that's what i always do with fortune cookie messages. A pass-me-down tradition from my father from his father)

Your happy heart brings joy andpeace where there is none... in between the sheets.
" Boo We Said Boo" -- Sorry about that the makers of this foutune has been sacked.
he who dont laugh has noe sense of humor I actually got one liek theis
All the Troubles You Have WIll Pass Away Very Quickly...

(My friend got this. We figure he's either going to have something really good happen to him this week, or he's going to die. lol)
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