Function Wish list


The "good old days" ??
Jul 4, 2011
New York
The emoticon pop-up window is a little clumsy to use with a touch pad. Turning the window 90 degrees so it fills the bottom of the screen would make for quicker choosing.
The smilies menu should now extend all the way to the right edge of the window when it pops up. :beerbang:
WOW! That was fast.

Thank you, Jesus. Oh, and Fury too. :D
I blame XenForo for being so damned easy to customize. Much of this stuff is just CSS, which is all the change to the smilies box required. (change a width from 156px to auto)
You're all over this stuff, which is great. Is this your first experience with XF?
Not quite. I've been playing around with it at XiBase here and there, but not to this degree. I installed it over there, converted from the old board, and installed a couple of styles and tweaked some colors. Over here I've been tinkering all over the place.
It sounds like you are having fun. If I think of any other little tweeks, I'll request them here. Thanks again.
I've been on MANY forums and I can honestly say this is the best ran one I've ever been on. Other than a few people taking the insults a little far in the podium everyone(members and mods)are great here.
I've been on MANY forums and I can honestly say this is the best ran one I've ever been on. Other than a few people taking the insults a little far in the podium everyone does a great job here.

There are a ton of money making sites that should stop by for some lessions from the savior with a gun. I left because they don't care about anything except the podcast over there. The place is over run with Ad bots.
I've been on MANY forums and I can honestly say this is the best ran one I've ever been on. Other than a few people taking the insults a little far in the podium everyone(members and mods)are great here.
You can hit the report button on any post you think steps over the line. As omnipotent as I am, I can't see everything all at once :D
You can hit the report button on any post you think steps over the line. As omnipotent as I am, I can't see everything all at once :D

I tend to handle those types myself, then I get in trouble. Story of my life. ;)
I've been on MANY forums and I can honestly say this is the best ran one I've ever been on. Other than a few people taking the insults a little far in the podium everyone(members and mods)are great here.

I've left a couple of forums because of the idiocy. And if you were a newbie, you were totally ignored.
We try to let things run without too much interference, and when we do step in, we try to do it lightly.
I've left a couple of forums because of the idiocy. And if you were a newbie, you were totally ignored.
We try to let things run without too much interference, and when we do step in, we try to do it lightly.

It's great here. I leave the laptop on the site and break up the work hours.
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