Furniture Row Racing to Toyota, JTG Daugherty new RCR satellite?

I'm probably out to lunch as usual , but would Todd Berrier move to Toyota or does he still have RCR ties ?
So does FRR get chassis and engines from RCR? I feel like the on chassis side of things JGR and MWR are at the top of the sport, but if its just an engine deal I don't know if switching would benefit them all that much. In my eyes TRD are probably better than ECR engines but at the cost of reliability. So those are factors that need to be weighed against each other.

At this point though, FRR seems to be outperforming their supplier, so it might be in their best interest to move to the Toyota camp if they can get the same stuff JGR or MWR has. If they can retain Kurt too, it could really propel them to a new level and into the next stage of their growth as an organization.
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