Future Proofs Past

On this date the following year, the Bismarck Tribune reported that nearly 30,000 people in Burleigh and Morton counties received their first dose of the new vaccine – all in six hours on a Sunday afternoon, called “Sabin Oral Sunday.” The clinics were open to everyone 3 months and older. Hundreds of volunteers ran 13 vaccination clinics at schools and public buildings in Bismarck, Mandan, Flasher, Glen Ullin, Sterling and Wing. Mobile units brought the vaccine to shut-ins, hospital patients and nursing home residents. Organizers asked for 25 cents per dose, but otherwise, the vaccinations were free.

Polio was mostly stomped out in North Dakota by 1965, with at least two cases in the 1970s. In 1975, the Legislature passed a school immunization law for polio and other diseases. Polio has been eradicated in the U.S. since 1979.
Lol what a bunch of unfounded conspiracy theories.

On three consecutive Sundays -- "Sabin Sundays" -- in 1960, millions of families lined up at churches and schools across the country to swallow a spoonful of pink syrup or a sugar cube treated with a life-saving polio vaccine, developed by UC researcher Albert Sabin, HonDoc '74. Cincinnati was one of the first cities to administer the vaccine following FDA approval. Previously, Sabin had tested the vaccine on his wife, two children, neighbors and 80 million people overseas.

n 1998, the National Cancer Institute undertook a large study, using cancer case information from the institute's SEER database. The published findings from the study were considered of little value in a 2002 review that called for further investigation. Another large study in Sweden examined cancer rates of 700,000 individuals who had received potentially contaminated polio vaccine as late as 1957; the study again revealed no increased cancer incidence between persons who received polio vaccines containing SV40 and those who did not. The question of whether SV40 causes cancer in humans remains controversial, however, and the development of improved assays for detection of SV40 in human tissues will be needed to resolve the controversy.[22]

The bible teaches that wimmins should be getting full Brazilian wax jobs and doing a lot of flashing. It is definitely anti bush.

Matthew 5:15
The bible teaches that wimmins should be getting full Brazilian wax jobs and doing a lot of flashing. It is definitely anti bush.

Matthew 5:15
I couldn't figure out if they were talking about fire or a redhead when they were talking about a burning bush. :idunno:
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