Gaston Mazzacane rolex wreck


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
Here's the blurb that was in the AP report:

A Porsche Fabcar prototype driven by Formula One test driver Gaston Mazzacane of Argentina slid off track and hit a barrier protecting a light pole in the infield portion of the 3.56-mile road circuit on Saturday night.

Mazzacane was briefly unconscious and spent the night under observation at a hospital. Officials said he had no serious injuries and was expected to be released Sunday.

There were five full-course caution periods in the first 10 hours, one of them brought out when a Porsche Fabcar driven by Gaston Mazzacane of Argentina slid off track and hit a barrier protecting a light pole in the infield portion of the 3.56-mile road circuit.

The Formula One test driver was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital for precautionary X-rays and a CAT Scan.

Track officials could not say what his injuries were because of privacy laws, but they did say Mazzacane was conscious and alert

He went off the 5th gear kink between the int'l and west horseshoe (the gradual turn at middle top right in the picture) going straight across the grass. He landed on the south side of a protective barrier (the red ovalish thing), obviously the opposite side of where he went off.

Might have to take it to paint and draw it out, cause im lost on lookin at the map.

Glad to hear is was alright, sounds like he took a wild ride.

the lines are the only 2 ways i can think of that he could have landed there, either ricasheing off the other pole protector or off the tire wall, but one would think either would be rather obvious with the kind of force of impact there must have been, plus the skid marks went rather straight.

More serious, however, was the exit of the #18 VICI Racing XM Satellite Fabcar, which crashed out with sometime F1 driver Gaston Mazzacane at the wheel. Having lost control, the Argentine hit the armco protecting a light pole and was injured in the crash. Although he was awake and alert when the emergency crew arrived at the scene, he was taken to Halifax Hospital in Daytona Beach for further observation
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