Goody's Dash Series



Free for alls are not really free.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - NASCAR officials announced penalties against several Goody's Dash Series, NASCAR Touring competitors following Wednesday's Pabst Blue Ribbon 150 at Bristol (Tenn.) Motor Speedway.

Robert Huffman, driver of car No. 37, was fined $500 and penalized 100 Goody's Dash Series championship driver points. Huffman was penalized under section 12-4-A of the 2002 NASCAR Touring rulebook: actions detrimental to stock car racing, rough driving.

Zach Brewer, driver of car No. 31, was fined $250 and suspended from the next Goody's Dash Series event, Sept. 13 at Motordrome Speedway in Smithton, Pa. Brewer was penalized under section 12-4-A of the 2002 NASCAR Touring rulebook: actions detrimental to stock car racing and section 12-4-F, fighting.

Angie Wilson, driver of car No. 06, was fined $250 and suspended from the next Goody's Dash Series event. Wilson was penalized under section 12-4-A of the 2002 NASCAR Touring rulebook: actions detrimental to stock car racing and section 12-4-F, fighting.

Johnny Chapman, driver of Car No. 33, was fined $250 and penalized under section12-4-A of the 2002 NASCAR Touring rulebook: Actions Detrimental to Stock Car Racing, involved in an altercation with another competitor.

Harold Wilson, crew chief for Angie Wilson, was fined $250 and suspended from the next Goody's Dash Series event. Wilson was penalized under section 12-4-A of the 2002 NASCAR Touring rulebook: actions detrimental to stock car racing and section 12-4-F, fighting.

Michael Davis, a crew member on the No. 31 car driven by Zach Brewer, was fined $250 and also suspended from the next Goody's Dash Series event. Davis was penalized under section 12-4-A of the 2002 NASCAR Touring rulebook: actions detrimental to stock car racing and section 12-4-F, fighting.

Derek McBride, a crew member on the No. 11 car driven by Brandon Ward, was suspended from the next Goody's Dash Series event and penalized under section 12-4-A of the 2002 NASCAR Touring rulebook, actions detrimental to stock car racing, involved in an altercation in the pit area.
That was real knock-down drag-out one. They showed hightlights on the news all weekend long. Some woman was really getting in on the action, must have been Angie Wilson.
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