Green tires..


Team Owner
Jan 22, 2013
Another gimmick brought to you by the feeble minded minds at nascar. I seem to remember another company, Hoosier, coming to the track with a different compound and Goodyear pitched a hissy fit. That's another story on how nascar made the dog walk funny.

Why just one set? Why were teams required to use them? Was this a goodyear test session posing as a race?
Personally, I liked the idea of having a different tire compound to try to gain an advantage. I didn't care at all for all the rules that went with it. Give them a set, let them bolt them on whenever.

In actuality the whole deal sucked as it was done. The tires didn't give nearly enough advantage IMO and the way the race played out with no cautions there was never an opportunity to bolt them on and make up ground on cars with worn tires
Another gimmick brought to you by the feeble minded minds at nascar. I seem to remember another company, Hoosier, coming to the track with a different compound and Goodyear pitched a hissy fit. That's another story on how nascar made the dog walk funny.

Why just one set? Why were teams required to use them? Was this a goodyear test session posing as a race?

I agree. I'm all for NASCAR experimenting -- and the All-Star Race is a great place to do it. But the clown atmosphere of these tires was more like a Tire Test. They tried to tailor the tires to the stages and overthought the formula without understanding the implications.

Green means Gimmick.

This turned out to be an Exhibition Tire Test, so Thank Goodness it was not in a points race...
Kyle Busch isn't the topic.

I wonder if the "experiment" would have produced a better result if the tire compound was softer than the one Goodyear chose?

Super modifieds and the now extinct NASCAR Tour cars run / ran softer left sides when it suited their purpose. It works. The rules makers might consider that next time.
Kyle Busch isn't the topic.

I wonder if the "experiment" would have produced a better result if the tire compound was softer than the one Goodyear chose?

Super modifieds and the now extinct NASCAR Tour cars run / ran softer left sides when it suited their purpose. It works. The rules makers might consider that next time.

The 2 car used them to a great advantage during those caution laps ;)
Nascar has problems different tires and stages will not fix.I felt sorry for the drivers after reading their comments after the race.The drivers are doing all they can,maybe it's time to look at what is riding on the Goodyear tires.
Kyle Busch isn't the topic.

I wonder if the "experiment" would have produced a better result if the tire compound was softer than the one Goodyear chose?

Super modifieds and the now extinct NASCAR Tour cars run / ran softer left sides when it suited their purpose. It works. The rules makers might consider that next time.

I'm not willing to let Goodyear choose what they think is a soft tire..they always error on the side of hard and durable. I don't think another tire choice is ever going to work. What has worked in the short past is taking down force away. Let them try taking the grass cutter splitter and the conveniently bendable side sparklers away and see what that does for a while..Somebody needs to stay on these guys.
I'm not willing to let Goodyear choose what they think is a soft tire..they always error on the side of hard and durable. I don't think another tire choice is ever going to work. What has worked in the short past is taking down force away. Let them try taking the grass cutter splitter and the conveniently bendable side sparklers away and see what that does for a while..Somebody needs to stay on these guys.
Understood. They have the data and the ability to make different / better choices. Splitters and skirts off? Sure ... with a reduction in race speeds at these tracks. Without that reduction ... unlikely.

They have a gas and a brake pedal, plenty of anti fly technology in the car compared to days of old. Super simple to slow them down if it proves to be a problem. Reduction of down force every time Nascar has done it has proven to be a crowd pleaser..but every time crews get it back and here we go back to single file..I see a pattern here myself.
And from what I've read in bits and pieces from various sources, there was NO tire test for the softer tire. They anticipated
how it would perform and it didn't. The only "test" was Mikey's little drive that was shown on pre-race.
Exactly. Shot in the dark.
Hopefully this will go in the same dumpster as their max down force package they tried at Michigan
From what I heard KyBu say after Friday they were only gaining anywhere from .1-.25 seconds a lap on the primes. Goodyear was anticipating .3-.5. So they could put more R&D into it and maybe try it in a race that's not so short with such compact segments. Or just admit it flopped and say it's not really for NASCAR or oval racing.
Nascar tried to be F1 and they failed miserably, Hopefully this is the last of this green tire

but if it not watch the cronies on FS1 act like it was a massive success
I think the best "gimmick" showcased at the all star race was not counting the caution laps after stages.
It didn't make too much sense to me or the hubby. Agree there were way too many gimmicks and obscure rules for such a short race, overall it didn't work.
Wasnt all that impressed with the green tires, but I really dont mind and kind of like seeing NASCAR experiment with ideas during the ASR, at this point, its become a glorified test session for the 600 anyways, and has been for a long time.
Another gimmick brought to you by the feeble minded minds at nascar. I seem to remember another company, Hoosier, coming to the track with a different compound and Goodyear pitched a hissy fit. That's another story on how nascar made the dog walk funny.

Why just one set? Why were teams required to use them? Was this a goodyear test session posing as a race?
I liked the concept of it, however the tire wasnt fast enough and wore out so quick
I would like to see good year try it again though.
seems like drivers were only up to .3 quicker and that would fall fast. I do like the green though I wonder if Monster will want the standard yellow switched to the green lol
They had too many rules on how the tires had to be used. I thought if a team wanted to use 2 at a time, let them. A problem is that they are required to use them since Goodyear spent time and money to make them. On the plus side, the green tires gave the teams an option. On the minus side, they had to use them even if they didn't want to use them. Indycars and F1 use the dual tire compounds but I don't think it improves the racing, I think it just adds to the cost of running a race and could hinder a team that doesn't want to use them (a team that got the setup right with the standard tires).

The All Star race is a good time to test new ideas. Some ideas work - like double file restarts.
They had too many rules on how the tires had to be used. I thought if a team wanted to use 2 at a time, let them. A problem is that they are required to use them since Goodyear spent time and money to make them. On the plus side, the green tires gave the teams an option. On the minus side, they had to use them even if they didn't want to use them. Indycars and F1 use the dual tire compounds but I don't think it improves the racing, I think it just adds to the cost of running a race and could hinder a team that doesn't want to use them (a team that got the setup right with the standard tires).

The All Star race is a good time to test new ideas. Some ideas work - like double file restarts.
Honestly, from my perspective all it does is provide the color guys something to constantly mention. I agree with you.
A lot of 'green tire' hate. Personally I think it's pretty cool that they are trying something. Hopefully they learned enough from Saturday night's test to improve on the alternate tire and also on rules as to when/how they can be used. I'd like to see there be no rule. Let the teams decide when

Not being an expert on tire manufacturing, I'm guessing there's a fine line between manufacturing a tire that has the extreme, short term, grip that they were looking for without having tire failure.
A lot of 'green tire' hate. Personally I think it's pretty cool that they are trying something. Hopefully they learned enough from Saturday night's test to improve on the alternate tire and also on rules as to when/how they can be used. I'd like to see there be no rule. Let the teams decide when

Not being an expert on tire manufacturing, I'm guessing there's a fine line between manufacturing a tire that has the extreme, short term, grip that they were looking for without having tire failure.
Definitely like their attempt to try something new. Not like putting wings on the cars new, but the alternate tires were definitely intriguing.
Four to six different colors should be offered. Mix 'n match as desired - except Keselowski.
From what I heard KyBu say after Friday they were only gaining anywhere from .1-.25 seconds a lap on the primes. Goodyear was anticipating .3-.5. So they could put more R&D into it and maybe try it in a race that's not so short with such compact segments. Or just admit it flopped and say it's not really for NASCAR or oval racing.

Unfortunately Nascar lacks the ability to think ahead so they often make off the cuff changes and alterations without any real knowledge as to how they will play out. They are a desperate organization desperately looking for anything that will make them relevant again.
It is hard to watch a company that has problems managing what they have create more things to manage. Green tires are just another example
They had too many rules on how the tires had to be used. I thought if a team wanted to use 2 at a time, let them. A problem is that they are required to use them since Goodyear spent time and money to make them. On the plus side, the green tires gave the teams an option. On the minus side, they had to use them even if they didn't want to use them. Indycars and F1 use the dual tire compounds but I don't think it improves the racing, I think it just adds to the cost of running a race and could hinder a team that doesn't want to use them (a team that got the setup right with the standard tires).

The All Star race is a good time to test new ideas. Some ideas work - like double file restarts.
Honestly, from my perspective all it does is provide the color guys something to constantly mention. I agree with you.
The Pirelli era in F1 has either seen tires constantly exploding or being way too hard (like right now). The ultrasofts in particular are just totally useless. Now they want to make them softer again in 2018. So for F1 at least it probably hasn't been that much of an improvement because the whole tire lineup has been way too inconsistent. OTOH, I think the IndyCar Firestones are very solid.
Goodyear tests tires on the NASCAR tracks and they have a data base of tire information. It has taken them decades working with NASCAR to come up with an appropriate tire for each track. There have been failures but they seem to learn. Adding a soft tire will be educated guesses as to what might produce a competitive tire until proper testing is done. I think it will be a boondoggle with teams guessing when to use them. A team that guesses right and gets to use them on a short run will have an advantage (do you think a team could produce a short run?).

I think NASCAR is trying it just because Indy and F1 use two tire compounds in their races. I wonder what the teams think about it?
And useless, they are spoken of as a handicap more than a blessing during races
Who says that? The reds were a lot quicker than the blacks just last week at the Indy GP. Helio was the only contender to finish on blacks and he went from challenging Power for the win to falling back to 5th on the final stint.
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