Hey Boys and girls

I rarely ever view this forum and was unaware of your issues with a stroke. Not sure why, but stumbled across it this morning while waiting for my Bride. Sorry to hear of the issue and good to know you are recovering with minimal problems as a result.
Keep up the good fight and stay healthy although a stroke can affect anyone even those who follow a strict regimen of good diet, exercise and moderation in all things others might consider harmful. You know, like smoking and alcohol. :rolleyes:
Best wishes for a continuing path to recovery.

In reading through all the replies and improvements your brother is making it sounds positive. Sending nothing but good wishes and kind thoughts for your brother. He's like you in being a real fighter!!
Thank you for the kind words. Believe me it came as a shock. I was normal weight, very fit and had a limited alcohol intake. As it turned out it was a piece of plaque in my carotid artery that broke loose and lodged in my brain. My cholesterol number were borderline but not high. My Neurosurgeon told me every single one of us have plaque build up no matter the diet but it usually smooth in the artery but mine for some reason had one "jagged area and thats where it broke loose. I'm on Cholesterol meds now and my numbers are incredibly good now.
I fully understand what you explained. In 2017, during a routine echogram of the carotid arteries, found the left artery 85% blocked requiring immediate surgery. During surgery they found plaque buildup and one piece that was breaking away and had the surgery not been done when it was, the issues it could have caused were far ranging. I was 81 years old at the time and had been retired 31 years but riding a bicycle anywhere from 6 to 28 miles a day, alcohol intake limited to two or three beers a week and never more than two in a sitting. Fortunately I married a lady who is very conscious of our diet. I shudder thinking of the possibility of a stroke and am pleased to know you have weathered that storm and keep making progress.
I fully understand what you explained. In 2017, during a routine echogram of the carotid arteries, found the left artery 85% blocked requiring immediate surgery. During surgery they found plaque buildup and one piece that was breaking away and had the surgery not been done when it was, the issues it could have caused were far ranging. I was 81 years old at the time and had been retired 31 years but riding a bicycle anywhere from 6 to 28 miles a day, alcohol intake limited to two or three beers a week and never more than two in a sitting. Fortunately I married a lady who is very conscious of our diet. I shudder thinking of the possibility of a stroke and am pleased to know you have weathered that storm and keep making progress.
Wow! I admire your abilities and stamina in your 80's that is tremendous! We just celebrated my moms 80th and she is the same way, she boards horses and she is still up early in the morning to feed, water and turn out and then cleans the stalls by herself and then bring them in in the evening and feed again and blanket when needed. Kudos to you and I wish you continued good health!
I'm doing well my friend and I appreciate you asking. I have limited damage from the stroke, the pinky finger on my right hand is partially paralyzed and tucks under the finger beside it and I have some memory problems. I was very lucky I recognised something was wrong early and my girlfriend called 911 and they got me to the hospital in under 30 minuets. Again I appreciate you taking the time to follow up. Hope you are doing well.

I'm healed up, and like you, still have some residual neuropathy, But I don't think it's anything like yours. Keep on the fight man, I'm glad you've been able to put this behind you for the most part. Life has a way of challenging us at most unexpected of times! This must have. Roufht you and your girlfriend even closer together.

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I'm healed up, and like you, still have some residual neuropathy, But I don't think it's anything like yours. Keep on the fight man, I'm glad you've been able to put this behind you for the most part. Life has a way of challenging us at most unexpected of times! This must have. Roufht you and your girlfriend even closer together.

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Thank you brother. We are all fine and Im glad to hear you are rolling on. Stay strong!!
Keep fighting the good fight!!! Glad you are still posting.

I've had a clot in my lung before so I'm on a cholesterol med, blood pressure med and more. I have great Drs who keep a close eye on me.

Best wishes to you.
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