How low can they get?

Yeah, its hard to type when my hand is in a cast...but I'm not claiming to be all-knowing. And again, what does my job have to do with this? Are you jealous that I have a job and you don't?
fergy1370 said:
Yeah, its hard to type when my hand is in a cast...but I'm not claiming to be all-knowing. And again, what does my job have to do with this? Are you jealous that I have a job and you don't?

I don't recall saying that I am "all-knowing" as you are stating. If so, please prove it. I don't want someone "policing" the world if they can't even write a sentence or refrain from combative behavior. You are being combative with me. I have asked you to stop several times. You continue. STOP! And believe me, I am not jealous that you are a Police Officer. They don't make very much money. However, they should definitely make more than they do. Then again, if all the Police Officers are like you, maybe they shouldn't. I can see why the streets are cluttered with "trash" these days. Maybe you should go out and do a better job "policing" the streets and leave me alone. And for your information, I have a job. I probably make more money than you do. It's not wise to ASSUME things Mr. Police Officer. I sure hope you don't do that while you're at work.
The trash problem is something you should take up with your city council, I'm sure they would be glad to help someone of your stature. And as far as "policing the world", I stopped doing that several years ago. Four years with a little more than a year of that spent in a bunch of sand was enough.
fergy1370 said:
The trash problem is something you should take up with your city council, I'm sure they would be glad to help someone of your stature. And as far as "policing the world", I stopped doing that several years ago. Four years with a little more than a year of that spent in a bunch of sand was enough.

The "trash" (criminals and thugs) is everywhere, not just here. And just what is my "stature"? I'm curious! I have never claimed any level or status in society. You should really try to stop assuming things. It's not a wise thing to do. I'm sorry, but it makes you look extremely ignorant. I think you might have some deeper issues after the time you spent as a Police Officer. Were you in one of the wars? If so, maybe you are still having some issues pertaining to that. I don't know. If you are, you should get some help and try to deal with them. Don't take things out on me. If you want to continue to be negative toward me, please do it in private. I don't think others want to see all of this garbage in the forums, myself included.

I have nothing against you. I just don't like your negative attitude toward me. Calm down and relax a little. Let's talk about racing.
fergy1370 said:
Naaa, I'm still wondering what my job has to do with this....

Nevermind! I am not going to explain it to you. I think you need some help. You're like a stalker. You follow me everywhere I go on here and make negative posts directed toward me. Please leave me alone. I came here to talk about NASCAR racing. I did not come here to argue with people. Once again, I am asking you to STOP! Please refrain from talking to me.


Are you reading this Maj? I sure hope so. I have asked him to stop several times now.
A stalker does a lot more than respond to someone on a public board. I'm not anywhere near a stalker.
This thread has become quite hysterical! :) It all started with an avatar that some took objection to........understandable enough, I suppose, but the avatar is gone now so what's the beef? Our new friend here on the boards has repeatedly requested for the arguments to stop.........a fair enough request, as far as I can see. Why not settle down and attempt to make never know, JGKK could become quite an asset to this site. :)
ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both of you!!!!!!! And, just for the record, I'm doing this PUBLICALLY to save time and effort! You are BOTH being ridiculous and it STOPS with this post I am making here and now!

If EITHER of you have any questions, please feel free to send me a PM.
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