Hurricane Helene


Just a race fan
Jun 2, 2014
In the woods (as much as possible)
We are fortunute that this bad ass is due west of us at this time in the Gulf Of Mexico. We are 80 miles east of the Gulf and the storm center is 80 or so miles west of that and we are seeing 20 with gusts to 40 MPH winds. WE are good to go but, the folks in the Big Bend of Florida are expecting a 20 foot tidal surge sometime around 7 PM.

Please put these folks in your prayers as this is a life altering event.
A bit of information.

Along the coasts of Florida there are what is called barrier islands, basically made of sand. Lots of folks over time have build homes on these islands. A lot of folks do not know how these barrier Islands came to be.

The answer: Reoccurring HURRICAINES and tidal surges over time!
I don't think there's any way to hyperbolize how bad this storm is in Western NC. Just a biblical disaster.

And a lot of people who didn't heed the warnings because "the experts are always wrong." I hope the death toll isn't massive.
A bit of information.

Along the coasts of Florida there are what is called barrier islands, basically made of sand. Lots of folks over time have build homes on these islands. A lot of folks do not know how these barrier Islands came to be.

The answer: Reoccurring HURRICAINES and tidal surges over time!

That's an issue in NC as well. Homes collapsing into the ocean every week from surge events.

And yet every inch of available land is being developed even still.
And a lot of people who didn't heed the warnings because "the experts are always wrong." I hope the death toll isn't massive.
A sheriff in FL attributed at least five deaths to ignored evac orders. Said surviving neighbors said the deceased were told the surge wouldn't be as bad as forecast. Expects to find more who tried to shelter in attics as water rose.
A sheriff in FL attributed at least five deaths to ignored evac orders. Said surviving neighbors said the deceased were told the surge wouldn't be as bad as forecast. Expects to find more who tried to shelter in attics as water rose.
They did their own research.

That’s my concern about western N.C.

Last night, the “back in my day” crowd was complaining about schools being closed “over a little wind and rain.”

One of them got completely sideways with me when I said this wasn’t a storm to mess with and that I deal with these storms all the time where I live.

Can’t stand some of these tough guys sometimes. Mother Nature is undefeated. You can drive trucks and lift weights all you want, that ain’t saving you from a flood.
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