I agree with this.

Just about every sport I know has a "governing" body. This body has control over it's teams and players. So it stands to reason that all sporting events are "controlled" by the governing body. So lets see see do you thing the NCAA knows who's going to win the National Championship? (hope it's KY) That reasoning doesn't go with me. :) You could say that about ANY sport--kinda takes the fun out of watching to me.

About passing. So if one team is more dominate over another and no one else can pass--that's ok in F1 but not Nascar?

Are you seriously this obtuse? :lol:

NASCAR has fiddled with the bodies and engines of the cars so much they have control over it. You seriously don't see that? You think no one is able to pass at Daytona because the teams are all that good? Have you any understanding of the sport whatsoever?

What do you think the restrictor plates are for? To keep the speeds down? Please.

Why take the driving out of the driver's hands?
I just read an article in winston cup scene where nascar has been messing with the areo stuff since the early 80's.
And I believe they will mess with it more to at least help the fords at the next Dega race if not the other makes as well.
Beers are on me.
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Yeh it is an on going saga....plates will rema :cheers: in until stands are empty and we all know that won't happen.
Yes, I know what RP racing is and yes I know Nascar sets the rules for all racing. Just like any other governing body on any sport--that was my point. If Nascar can "fix" a sport, what's to stop any one else.

No the teams at Daytona are not all that good. Some ARE better than others, but then again, I guess they have a reason to be according to experts. And no Paul, I am not stupid, or slow--just thought I'd let you know that. I just like racing---wait maybe that makes me stupid or slow, since I don't get your idea of DEI being King of the Nascar castle
It wasn't the most exciting thing I ever watched. And pretty much predictiable.
Hehehehehe....... :D :D :D OhOh Paul you have a customer...be easy now..... :lol:
Yeh all in good fun...Paul is just trying to provoke a good debate.... :cheers:
Nope not me.... :D We could debate this subject for hours or at least i could....just glad "real" racing is starting at the Rock next week!!!
Originally posted by sgbg88@Feb 17 2003, 06:31 PM

No the teams at Daytona are not all that good.
So why are they so close together? Because of NASCAR controlling what the cars are able to do, and taking the driving out of the driver's hands. Thus, having more control over what happens in a race.
Yes, they have taken it out of the drivers hand--I agree, wait we're suppost to be arguing about this! :p I know Daytona or Dega is not a good thing for fans or drivers. I don't want my driver to be hurt or killed in one of these races. But can you honestly say that if any other driver had this domience at RP racing you would say they were cheating? We all know that DEI is at the top of your list----to dislike :dual9mm: That's fine---I feel the same about Todd Bodine. But I don't think he get's special help---he if anyone needs it! So you can think what you want on DEI and so can I. (But, I will now and always be right! :lol:
Cool...but I'm still not sure what you meant when you asked me, "So it's ok in F1 but not NASCAR?"

Where did I say that anything at all was similar between the two.

Oh, and I'm right. :nyanya:
I dont know much about Daytona or 'Dega anymore... I mean, I love Daytona... its one of my favorite tracks, but there is no racing in it anymore. I'm not complaining about DEI always being at the top, but I'm sure NASCAR can do something to make it more competitive...
Originally posted by paul@Feb 17 2003, 06:14 PM
I just think it's funny that people say, "I don't like F1 or CART because there is no passing". But sit there and say that they enjoy the races at Daytona and Talladega.

There's not a lot of passing in F1 because some teams are just better than the others, there's no passing at Daytona because the governing body has manufactured an illusion of racing.

The newbie that tunes into Daytona sits there and sees a huge pack of cars all close together and thinks to themselves, "Wow! Look how close the racing is in this series! Such great competition!" When all it is is a contrived event, a controlled environment made to do exactly that.

When that same governing body has that much control over each and every car out there, it stands to reason to take the next logical step and assume they have control over who does and who doesn't perform well.

And it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see who it is that they might be giving the nod to.
I think I got that from this

And I'm right :youlikethat: :pbjtime:
Why would they want to make it more competetive when they way they've got it running now rakes in the $$?
The Bud Shootout was WAY more competitive than the 500.... hell, even the trucks did better..
I got the thing confused--I thought you meant that there's no passing in F1 and that's fine, but in Nascar it's a fix for DEI. Maybe that's not what you meant---I must be getting slow in my old age. ;)

And I'm still right even if I'm confused :bounce:
There is no fix in NASCAR... and if there was, I would stop watching it.
You are confused, yes. And you're finally right about something in this entire thread. B)
Originally posted by Mopardh9@Feb 17 2003, 05:13 PM
Windsor i'm with you on that, too bad we couldn't get a little petition going here and send it into Nascar, of course they won't listen until Daytona is only half full on Race Day! ;)
I sure hope it doesn't come to that Mopar!...fingers crossed...
Glad to see I'm right--You've come to your senses and now know there's no fix in Nascar, just what I've said all along! So glad to see you admit I'm right, boy I need to right this down and remember this date. The day Paul knew DEI was not illegal! :lol: (you did say I was right about something, just not what that something was, I filled in the blank for ya) Been fun "discussing" with you. I have to go eat supper now, and I will enjoy it knowing I made you see the light! Take care in the snow and I can't wait for our next talk. By the way did I use a "freebie"? :p
Originally posted by sgbg88@Feb 17 2003, 06:45 PM
Oh, I know that what do think I am Obtuse? :D
Or as Popeye used to say: "What do you thinks I am? Anyhow!!!"
Originally posted by sgbg88@Feb 17 2003, 07:32 PM
By the way did I use a "freebie"? :p
Hell no! That was tame, and fun. :) You've still got some in the bank. :)
I couldn't agree with that writer more. The only reason I watch Daytona is that it is the first race of the year. And that it is a points race and I want to know where they stand at the end. I haven't watched an entire plate "race" in years if ever. It's just not a good product. And again, I'm not convinced NASCAR is still fixing races. Junior's win in their return to Daytona after his daddy died was obviously fixed, but no others have been as blatant. Then again, maybe they are just hiding it better. It took me a while to realize how bad the NBA was fixed too, but I caught on after a while. ^_^
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