I cant believe it...



I just watched The Big wreck yet again at pocono on the 1:00 replay. It was mentioned on another thread that there was cheering when they hit the wall, which I now believe. Not only that but I was watching closely at one of the angles of the replay and CLEARLY saw a man on a trailer, giving one of the 2 "the bird". I would bet it was towards Park, because there are now so many doubters out there of his ability to drive. I could not believe it when I saw it, what is this sport coming too? Instead of being worried about the welfare of the 2 drivers, the man instead 'flicks' them off. Its just a shame :mad:
Sad ass race fans is what they are. I've seen the same stuff at Bristol races before.

I'm a fan of Park, I think he's an alright driver. There isn't anything wrong with the way he drives, as you clearly can see these days, he always gets caught up in someone elses wreck.
I hope Steve stays at DEI next year, cause then he'll have his track touch back.. and be able to whoop ass.
What's so hard to believe Bill? These are the fans that nascar has courted. Those who's allegiance to a particular driver are greater than to the sport itself.

Everything today is who's yer favorite driver. dotcom is continually posting polls about who ya think is gonna do whatever. They (nascar) have shuffled the fans in to camps. No longer do most fans go to the races to see a race, they go to see a their favorite win and it's a serve ya right ya sombuck if ya dare do anything that keeps my fave from winning.

PT Barnum may have had the greatest show on earth, but nascar has the greatest show on wheels. Too bad that somewhere along line the stands became filled with those who come to see a show instead of a race.....sigh.....
same as cheering for fights at hockey games, people just can't get enough carnage, but hockey is just fist fights, crashes in races could be life or death which is not something to cheer about:(

If that guy was giving park the finger, that is just sad. I would like to see him in the car driving, bet he would realize its not as easy as it looks. I just can't judge someone for fault for something I have never done or am not capable of.

And I like what you said 71, its not the race anymore its the driver
Awesome Bill,It is a shame,But This type of behavior did not just start.The bird has been flown many times in Nascar.I saw Dale Sr. throw a bird or two,when he was taking someone out of his way that had made him mad,And he is not the only one.The differance now is all the media,and cameras.You have always had good,and bad fans.Alcohol tends to bring the best worst behavior out in fans.People go to races to see big wrecks,and to hoop,and holler,and act the fool.I think deep inside most do not want to see death.What is the first thing a fan will say when you ask him did he see a race."DID YOU SEE THAT WRECK,THAT WAS AWESOME".Human nature it is.This is one reason I for one do not go to big tracks,There are to many examples of ignorance walking around.:)
Human behavior fascinates me to no end. As I sit here and watch the snowball form, I am truly flabbergasted.

We went from "I saw one fan flipping the bird" to a definate conclusion that it was not only directed at one of those two drivers but a high probability that it was toward Steve Park in five posts. Five. We also have decided why this anonymous fan was doing it, haven't we? For all we know, that dude was flipping off someone on the next motorhome. Or any other competitor (they were kinda bunched up, and the whole thing happened in mere seconds. Alcohol wouldn't EVER slow down a reaction time...) for that matter. That is of course assuming that the fan had been drinking, a high probability but far from a given.

Granted, I ain't no DEI fan, and I make no secret out of that. IMO, Steve Park is a waste of a driver's seat, and always was. But that is merely my opinion. It just amuses me to watch how one observation can be built into an entire scenario by people not even involved in what was observed.
All I know is that the crowd was cheering in pleasure.

I said it in the other thread but people said it wasn't true. I just watched the reply and the crowd is most definately cheering in pleasure, as the car is flipping and rolling.
Maybe he had a bugger on his finger TnWardfan.:p All I am saying is that Fans of Racing have always been Theatrical,and rowdy.The cameras show more of these actions which shows truly why people go to races,And that is for the action no matter what form that is. :)
I've heard crowds cheer so loudly at times when J.Gordon wrecks that I've wondered if any of them cared about the drivers safety. It's sad to think that people wish harm on others when they are out there trying to put on a show for the people.

And how dare people call NASCAR the WWF. How dare people say NASCAR fans are all ignorant rednecks.
Funny thing about that little speck in Chicken crap,Yep it's still crap.:p
Well, Nascar does seem to cater to that certain low denominator, but not all fans are ignorant rednecks. I for one had tears in my eyes when I saw that wreck. There was complete silence in my house until we saw that both drivers were ok.
and there is no way 99% of the people in the main grandstands could have even seen the wreck where it was......

So who knows what they were cheering about.......
Please....then how were they cheering when Jr. got out and started running?

Plain and simple...95% of NASCAR fans love to see that kind of stuff. It's been proven over and over everytime there is a bigger wreck, the crowd goes nuts.

Whether or not you choose to believe it is a different story.
Have no clue what % of fans we're talking here, I really doubt it's the majority. Been to far too many races and seen far too many wrecks and crashes and seen the fans reactions to accept that. Yes there are "some" there always have been. I've seen cheers for troubles for everyone from Bill Elliott to Richard Petty to David Pearson to Dale Earnhardt. There may be more now than used to be, but I wager the numbers are still in the minority by far.

There are some of these fans at every major sporting event, from Little League Baseball to Wimbledon to the Masters to the Indy 500. Some folks are a**holes no matter what venue you put them in.

Going to races is a great personal enjoyment for me, and I intend to keep it that like that for many years more. If the reactions and attitudes of the few were of great concern to me, I would have run screaming into the night of despair many years ago.
I remember that first thing I started liking about NASCAR was the crashes. But as I learned more about the sport and all the hard work that goes behind the cars, the crashes weren't cool anymore. It just tells you that the people that are cheering for the crashes aren't really into the racing itself but just the crashes. I wonder what they would have felt like if something bad had happened...
I agree that most people have a gruesome fascination with death and immediately become interested when someone wrecks at a race, no matter the driver. However, I don't believe that 95% of all NASCAR fans cheer when this happens. I think it's more like 5-10%, which probably coincides nicely with the percentage of "fans" who drink to get drunk while they're at a race.

I love going to races and will not allow this minority of morons to ruin my good time or to turn me off of NASCAR altogether. Hopefully, the drunken, hateful dumbasses will eventually lose their jobs, go broke, and no longer be able to afford to attend races. :D

BTW, does anyone know whether or not this phenomenon is true in CART, IRL, F1 and other forms of motor racing? Paul, you seem to think it's just NASCAR. And you may be right. I was just wondering...
I've never heard cheering during crashes in F1, CART or IRL. Of course, 10-15 cautions per race is not the norm in any other motorsport aside from NASCAR.

Maybe NBC had mics on the single 5% of fans in the stands at Pocono that cheered...cuz that was an awful loud cheer.
If you put an open microphone in a room with 200 people and 20 of them yell while the remaining 180 stand in silence, it will sound as loud to the ear as if 50 or a 100 hundred did.

Frankly I cannot say if it was cheers during the crash or just crowd sound, but I have the same sound at open wheel races CART, IRL and before they seceded from each other. Can't speak for F1, never been to one.

10 - 15 cautions is a bit much and not the average for WC racing. It is not far from the average for most bullring races.
say what you want but it is true majority of nascar fans like to see crashes just like lap3 and paul pointed out alot of people dont even watch any races exept for the restrictor plate to see the "big one"
Daytona - 9
Subway 400 - 5
UAW - 6
Carolina Dodge Dealers 400 - 6
Food City 500 - 14
Samsung/RadioShack 500 - 7
Virginia 500 - 14
Aaron's 499 - 3
NAPA Auto Parts 500 - 5
Pontiac Excitement 400 - 14
Coca-Cola Racing Family 600 - 9
MBNA Platinum 400 - 7
Pocono 500 - 5
Sirius Satellite Radio 400 - 4
Dodge/Save Mart 350 - 3
Pepsi 400 - 9
Tropicana 400 - 7
New England 300 - 14
Pennsylvania 500 - 5

Averages to about 8 per race. That's crazy.

I don't think F1 has even had 8 total cautions this entire year.
They're spread out because they don't have caution flags thrown every 40 laps to bunch em all up and wreck em for the fans.
half of them are never in contention to win anyway no offence
Why not? It makes it exciting and challenging. Everytime I watch a F1 race it is the same 3-4 drivers up front. I stopped watching because everyone knows who will win.
Originally posted by 66mustang
Why not?  It makes it exciting  

Thats what them fans that cheer when drivers wreck say about restricter plate racing and about it makeing it more challenging look at a f1 race they go 0-180 in how many seconds and they go around them hair pin turns how fast?
I don't care how fast they go. If you know who will win then it is boring to me. In NASCAR, they have twice as many cars and that means twice as many or more cars going for the win. You don't know who will win. With all those cars on the track, cautions will come. I don't like seeing cars wreck but it will happen. The more cars on the track that are equal brings more racing excitement but also accidents.
Do you think NASCAR throws unnecessary cautions flags just to bunch up the cars and create more action? Or do they put 43 cars out there every week because they know they'll wind up bunching up and wrecking? And was this always the case? I'm just trying to figure out if this was always true, or just a recent phenomenon.
I don't know. I'd rather see 43 cars than 22 cars racing anyday.
why not make it 60 no thats not enough lets get 100 why stop there lets fit as much as we can on the track I bet that will be exciteing
Well the way I see it you guys want to have like 10 cars racing. It better be on a 10 mile track and everybody has their own lane so nobody gets close to each other and the racing sucks. Just look at F1.
Paul, do you honestly think that the powers that be in NASCAR do what they do simply to see more wrecks? I can see that you prefer other forms of racing, but is this the reason why? Not trying to start anything. Just trying to figure out where you're coming from...

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