I just want to remind everyone...

It's really annoying when people talk about stuff in a forum, isn't it?
Nothing annoying about people talking in forums. The annoying part is reading the same post over and over again about changing the spoiler, knocking down the banking, removing the plate, blah, blah, blah. Everyone always has the fix. It could be just me, but I don't see the problem. I like all of the tracks, restrictor plate, road courses, short tracks, intermediate, what ever. It all keeps me entertained and coming back week after week. Life's too short to complain about everything all the time. Maybe if some would stop, they may just sit back an enjoy the show. But then again, probably not.
With the plates on all the top series isn't the biggest problem throttle response as far as the engine is concerned? It is my understanding that when the throttle response is limitted (plate), then the cars have a harder time accelerating away from each other. Fuel injection (CUP) is supposed to be more efficient, throttle response is supposed to be better, so if Nascar were to go with a smaller CID engine at plate tracks, with less horsepower wouldn't that bring down the speed to some extent without sacrificing response? I think the wider tire idea got thrown out the window because the COT would of needed to be redsigned in order to accomodate it. I know a smaller engine package would mean more costs, but this is one thing I haven't seen tried yet at Daytona or Dega. I noticed today that the rear bumpers of the Nationwide cars look a hell of a lot larger than they used to be. I thought there was supposed to less area for the cars to match up and push? Whether it is just a cover or not it seems to just offer up more of a space to produce tandem style racing. With all the parity Nascar hasn't gotten away from disaster on Plate tracks as many have said. I think some of you have hit the nail on the head by saying the cars are too equal. Equal means huge packs, personally I'd rather see the old style racing that just had half a dozen or so cars in the lead draft. Racing to me has always been who has the fastest car, today that didn't matter and it seems it matters less each time a plate track comes up on the schedule. I'm certainly just a fan offering up my opinion here just like most of you and I think Nascar needs to go back to the drawing board for the plate tracks.
Nothing annoying about people talking in forums. The annoying part is reading the same post over and over again about changing the spoiler, knocking down the banking, removing the plate, blah, blah, blah. Everyone always has the fix. It could be just me, but I don't see the problem. I like all of the tracks, restrictor plate, road courses, short tracks, intermediate, what ever. It all keeps me entertained and coming back week after week. Life's too short to complain about everything all the time. Maybe if some would stop, they may just sit back an enjoy the show. But then again, probably not.

Have you enjoyed the 'racing' at Daytona? Other than the NW race, It hasn't taken much to create a huge wreck.

I guess it's a matter of opinion, but I would rather see a race to the checkers, not a bunch of middle packers limping to a top finish.
Nothing annoying about people talking in forums. The annoying part is reading the same post over and over again about changing the spoiler, knocking down the banking, removing the plate, blah, blah, blah. Everyone always has the fix. It could be just me, but I don't see the problem. I like all of the tracks, restrictor plate, road courses, short tracks, intermediate, what ever. It all keeps me entertained and coming back week after week. Life's too short to complain about everything all the time. Maybe if some would stop, they may just sit back an enjoy the show. But then again, probably not.
I get what you are saying, but complaining about things and disagreeing about all things related to racing in Nascar chat or any other chat area is what keeps things going.:)
I get what you are saying, but complaining about things and disagreeing about all things related to racing in Nascar chat or any other chat area is what keeps things going.:)

EXACTLY! If we all agreed, it would be like posting on the born again boards.
Improving racing is not why we race with restrictor/destructor plates.
This is why we race with plates:

Everyone understands why they race with plates, but why does it have to be a circus act four times a year? There has always been a threat of big wrecks with restrictor plates, but once upon a time, the plate races actually resembled what most folks call racing. They could actually finish them without wrecking 10+ cars three times in a 20 lap span, as has become the norm at all three levels now.

So what's the issue? I can't say for certain, and evidently speculation on the subject ruffles too many feathers, but I don't buy that it can't be helped.
Would you rather go to more cookie cutters?

I want nascar to figure this out and promote good RACING! Their advertising will be filled with video of crazy wrecks when they promote the next destructor plate race. As flawed as it was, the tandem racing had some very exciting finishes without all this destruction.
I want nascar to figure this out and promote good RACING! Their advertising will be filled with video of crazy wrecks when they promote the next destructor plate race. As flawed as it was, the tandem racing had some very exciting finishes without all this destruction.
I could be happy with tandem racing . I think that there are a few fans on the board that are against it and a few fans that are against pack racing . I think that the majority could be happy with whichever gets the nod. Crazy wrecks made Nascar ! From the Bobby vs Cale fight and before. Sorry but the history and the tv coverage speaks for itself. Every network will reply all the wrecks on Sunday night and Monday without any prompting from Nascar , Why? Because the viewers want to see it . Even if they aren't fans .
Would you rather go to more cookie cutters?

I think you misunderstood me a bit. That's the last thing I want. I'm saying that plate racing has become a joke in the last 8-10 years, and I don't feel like it has to be that way in order to keep it safe (I'd hardly call this weekend safe anyway).

For the first decade of plate racing, there was certainly still a constant possibility of "the big one," but it wasn't unusual for those races to have under 3 cautions a lot of the time (Talledega was caution free three times in five years if you can believe that). It was still good racing. Now, I don't think there's much question that the progression of the aero package is what's left us with the side show we've had for quite a few years now. It's getting pretty old.
I think you misunderstood me a bit. That's the last thing I want. I'm saying that plate racing has become a joke in the last 8-10 years, and I don't feel like it has to be that way in order to keep it safe (I'd hardly call this weekend safe anyway).

For the first decade of plate racing, there was certainly still a constant possibility of "the big one," but it wasn't unusual for those races to have under 3 cautions a lot of the time (Talledega was caution free three times in five years if you can believe that). It was still good racing. Now, I don't think there's much question that the progression of the aero package is what's left us with the side show we've had for quite a few years now. It's getting pretty old.
You nailed it pretty much right there....bravo.;)
That is exactly what I have been saying. Give all the Toyotas and Dodges 4 cyl. engines ; all of the Fords 6cyl . engines and all of the Chevys 8cyl. engines ...get some seperation on track...end of problem.

Bingo ted!...and let the Engineers fight it out and get the best they can out of the engines - then it would be #1 Toyota (4 cyl) -#2 Ford (6 cyl)-#3 Dodge (4 cyl) -#4 Chevy (8 cyl).

...and Chevy would be complaining that they should be able to run a V-12....;)
I'm of the opinion that not begin able to lift off the gas is the main danger with plate racing. I think if they could lift a little when needed without fear of losing all that ground we'd see far less mistakes when they are running in the pack. When you take away the mentality of "must stay on the gas or I'll lose a lot of ground" a driver would be less inclined to take as many risks when vying for position at these super speedways.

How you go about allowing that I don't know. We could get rid of the plates and 'let 'em run 250mph. We could try using a different engine package at these tracks that makes less horsepower. We could do any number of things.

I think NASCAR is afraid of getting rid of the plates because they've been tied to the idea of "driver safety" since they were introduced so many years ago. One could argue either way on if they're "safer" than the old way of doing things. The one thing we do know is that it encourages a certain style of racing that you don't see anywhere else. So you have to consider that as well.

I think we'd still see pack racing without the plates and the draft would certainly still come into play. These cars are nothing like the cars from the 80's when it comes to cutting through the air and begin able to link up. I think if we've changed so many things in the name of safety or "better racing" we should have a solution to this problem by now that doesn't just come down to "slap a plate in there".

To the OP: I think the video you posted as more to do with crowd safety than anything else. As important as driver safety is, it comes behind keeping the crowd safe imho. We have better catch fences thanks to the examples from the past and I thank god for that every time I go to a super speedway. Thank god the fence managed to hold up that day as it would have been really bad if the car managed to get into the crowd! Would a plate prevented that crash? Well, after watching so many plate races over the years I have to say I don't think so.

I'm new so I had to chime in on this beaten horse! Looking forward to the 500 tomorrow! ;)
Bingo ted!...and let the Engineers fight it out and get the best they can out of the engines - then it would be #1 Toyota (4 cyl) -#2 Ford (6 cyl)-#3 Dodge (4 cyl) -#4 Chevy (8 cyl).

...and Chevy would be complaining that they should be able to run a V-12....;)

Zactly ,you want seperation , you got seperation . Bingo ..that's Thursday night.
Carl said (and Junior agreed ) that the racing at Daytona was much better before they repaved it .There were bumps and patches and weepers that brought a lot of driver skill into getting around the place.

The old track will be back although it will take some time. I heard an interview with Elliott Sadler talking about the bumps/patches. He said that you can already start to feel some of the old track coming back. He also said that there are several places already that they've had to repair the surface.
The old track will be back although it will take some time. I heard an interview with Elliott Sadler talking about the bumps/patches. He said that you can already start to feel some of the old track coming back. He also said that there are several places already that they've had to repair the surface.

Whoa , that was a little soon. Maybe they should have gone with three bids on the paving job instead of opting for Bill France Paving Inc.
Well the track is going to settle, just paving the surface isn't going to fix the problem of it sinking again. :)

They always have the problem of the surface begin too "green" when they repave a track. Sometimes its a good thing, but at a speedway where you can probably go near wide open (plate or not) all those bumps and little defects certainly come into play a lot more than they would otherwise. Its just one more thing about the course that you constantly have to keep in your mind when going around the place.
Whoa , that was a little soon. Maybe they should have gone with three bids on the paving job instead of opting for Bill France Paving Inc.
Personally I think it's a good thing. Let's get some personality back into this track. I get what you're saying though. Maybe the BF Paving Inc. route wasn't the way to go.
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