Andy, here's a deal you can't pass on. Find your way to Winston Salem and see what you can find for work. We have two full universities here and one community college that you can get a good associates degree to help you along with a BS. If you can get into one of those schools and you find a job that will pay you enough that you can pay your car payment and tuition and books for school, as well as some spending money, you can move into my house in the basement and make your own room. The basement is not finished, but it does have a bathroom with a shower. Our daughter lived down there for nearly three year using various things for walls. There is cable TV down there and if you have a laptop with wifi, you can hook up with our router and use our Road Runner account. So what would all that cost for you? First off, any food you want will have to be paid by you unless it's a main meal that the wife and I make. We usually make too much so there would be plenty for you. You would have to furnish a bed and maybe a chair, but at the time now, we have a few chairs down there that could be use, as well as a bunch of other stuff. Help what you could with food and utilities, but I wouldn't expect that to be all that much. As long as you are doing your school work, that will be plenty. And think of this...Winston Salem is in the middle of most of the NASCAR teams and with just a short drive, you could do your journalism work and get to know the teams quite well. AND if you are really interested in doing writing for NASCAR, I could introdce to a real professional whos the works inside and out,...and, if you work things write with Stan, he could open some serious doors for you if you are any good. Think about it. We have Wake Forest University and Winston Salem State University here in WS along with Forscyth Technical School. ANot far away in Greensboro you can find three other schools like those, UNCG is in Greensboro and NC A&T as well as Gilford Tech, and then not much further you have High Point University, a school that is growing like a weed. What ever you would pick would be your choice and as long as you couold meet the other requirements to live here, you';d be welcome. Think hard and find out what you want to do. If you are willing to take a chance, you know where you can find me. One thing I can guarantee you is that we could have some really good debated downstairs and if I coujld get my son-in-law to joinit, it cold be a three way free for all. Andy, I'm serious so think about it.