I have said in the past that if you don't like what you see, quit watching it. Maybe I'm just a bit jaded, but I can still remember when they didn't cover all the races. In fact, I remember when they didn't cover any of them and it was ESPN that started the rise of NASCAR. I guess the sport has outgrown network coverage and yes, I will agree that the coverage is terrible, but not only with ESPN/ABC, but with the other networks as well. Twenty years ago, I would say that even Andy would be appreciative of ESPN is he had been used to seeing nothing, but as with anything else, we move on and are used to, or want more and better coverage of the races. When you take that and then mix it with the direction that NASCAR is moving, it isn't any surprise that many fans are upset, not only with the coverage (that's just a good excuse to criticize the networks) but everything else about NASCAR that they don't like. Since the exclusive television contract, read that since Brian France took over, this sport has lost many of the old loyal fans that it had, even if the sport has gained many "neo-fans". But it's the job of the networks to try and find new fans as well as do the best they can to hold on to the older fans, or the end result will not be good for the networks. So they try to find new things that will be more informative and make the viewing entertaining. In doing so, they have forgotten what the sport is all about, and that is watching the racing between all 43 drivers out there on the track as well as what goes on in the pits. There have been a gazillion new camera angles, double that amount of graphics, and of course, let us never forget the shots that evoke emotion, such as those shots of the drivers wives.
Artsy fartsy direction has always been something that we fans have had to put up with and why? Because those directors are trying to impress not us the fans, but other directors with their new and inovative approach to the sport.
It isn't so much that the network coverage sucks, it's that the sport is beginning to suck and suck more and more. One of the latest trivia questions dealt with the fact that this year will more than likely be the first year in NASCAR history that a North Carolina driver hasn't won a race. If things continue on the current course, in ten years, we might be asking the same question about an American (USA) driver. When that happens, who the hell will care what network is covering WASCAR (World Association of Stock Car Racing).