ignore button

Like @Spotter22 and others, I do not ignore anyone. It’s good to view contrary ideas and opinions. I trust the mods will handle anyone who gets obscene or tirelessly obnoxious. As for this site, I greatly appreciate the forum and look forward to the take on NASCAR from all the folks. @Revman has some of the strongest opinions on here, and while I don’t agree with all, he is a PASSIONATE fan. We all get worked up on things occasionally. I say have fun and enjoy the chatter. It’s a small club and we’re all in it.
I do have a few (less than five) people on ignore. I have no issue with folks disagreeing with me, the problem is a few folks on here can't disagree with someone without immediately throwing out insults. Meanwhile those same folks take personal offense when someone gives them the tiniest bit of contra and turn a reasonable discussion into a multi-page pissing contest.

I get paid to work in politics and some of you do better than me at politicizing everything.
I mean you said the finale shouldn't return to Homestead because it's in Florida...
I mean you said the finale shouldn't return to Homestead because it's in Florida...

I said that they were better, not that I didn’t do it.

But I would argue that there’s a difference between letting politics be the primary driver in your personal interactions and having an opinion on where an event should be held. You can directly influence the former.
I don't put anyone on ignore because I'd miss out on a lot of absolutely hilarious entertainment.
Some get so angry over such trivial matters --- keeps me:XXROFL::XXROFL:

Plus, when you're not in the mood for that particular form of entertainment, how hard is it to just "ignore" the posts of deadbeats when scrolling through a thread.
Opinion’s got nuthin to do with it.
Sometimes you’re just better off without certain people.

If you block enough people, you might as well just start a blog. At that point you’re just typing for your own gratification, not because you want to start or maintain a conversation.
If you block enough people, you might as well just start a blog. At that point you’re just typing for your own gratification, not because you want to start or maintain a conversation.
Great point.
I have no problem with differing opinions. It's the ones insist on demeaning others personally for no other reason. I also don't know why I'd read the exact same opinion over and over, especially from posters who say they quit following NASCAR.
Hell I've had posters on here call me a racist, a misogynist a SOB among other things but I wont block them. Even Mcvittie ( wasnt that one of his names) couldnt get me to block him and he will go down in forum history as the Biggest NASCAR fan that didnt watch a race but knew everything that went on.
There are definitely a couple posters who I consider pretty low-IQ trolls, so I've just stopped responding to them. It's really not hard to do. No need for ignore features. Like a wise man once said: if you want a troll to die, stop feeding it.
I only have a couple people on ignore and its not because they disagree with me, it's because when you try to have a reasonable discussion they resort to name calling and using their own opinions as facts. In the last several weeks I've cut way back on my viewing and posting here because it just seemed like there was getting to be too many toxic and trolling posts.
I don't ignore anyone because I really don't care enough about what somebody I will never know said on a message board that I would let it bother me. It's the Internet, you can't take stuff personally. I actually feel bad for the internet tough guys as their lives must really suck if that's how they compensate for it. That being said this place is quite tame and friendly compared to a lot of other places.
I don’t ignore anyone although I’d say this place has definitely gotten a bit less interesting in the past couple of years. Some of the moderation - or lack thereof in some cases - has led to more people posting less and fewer people posting more.
I don’t ignore anyone although I’d say this place has definitely gotten a bit less interesting in the past couple of years. Some of the moderation - or lack thereof in some cases - has led to more people posting less and fewer people posting more.
I think RF is a great forum. I agree about the number of posters. I wish there was a few more than we currently have.
But I wouldn't want it to be in the thousands or so big that you could hardly recognized anyone.

But nothings perfect and this is still my favorite place and it's free.
I think RF is a great forum. I agree about the number of posters. I wish there was a few more than we currently have.
But I wouldn't want it to be in the thousands or so big that you could hardly recognized anyone.

But nothings perfect and this is still my favorite place and it's free.
I definitely don’t want to see explosive growth but I think some long-timers grew tired of some of the behavior within the last year year or two, as far as what was tolerated and what wasn’t. The list probably doesn’t total more than ten or so but some who were good contributors have slowed down or left it’s seemed.
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