I'm back



the surgery went well.i had a reaction to the anethesia- vomiting.the only things i can keep down is unsalted crackers,peppermints and water.threw up the jello.begining to loose weight and swelling is going down.very sore.gotta take it easy for 2 weeks.still haven't got my energy back.throat is still sore but better.just wanted to let y'll know im okay.gonna get my beauty sleep. lol. talk to y'll later.
Have you tried the chocolate pudding cups? I could keep those down when nothing else would.
Oh, and can I go ahead and place my order for Valentine's day? You'll be really busy week after next...
ironically, i go back on the 13th.cut that too close.i tried jello threw it up.might try poweraid.talk to u later.
Good to hear you are back home ...hope you feel better. I'll have a frosty shiner black for you tonight.

Good to hear you are back home ...hope you feel better. I'll have a frosty shiner black for you tonight.


I don't think I ever mentioned when we were fortunate enough to tour their plant. I got some decent pics while there. Here's one where some was being spilled onto the floor...

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