I'm done with DTM


Team Owner
Aug 6, 2016
Zwickau, Saxony (Germany)
I know they have been using team orders there for years and even decades, but today's race at Red Bull Ring was just a disgrace to every race fan.
Conming into the last lap, Daniel Juncadella (Mercedes) led, with Mike Rockenfeller, Nico Müller and Rene Rast (all Audi) in positions 2-4.

With half a lap to go, race control announced that Juncadella had been given a 30-second-penalty for a restart infringement (whatever he did, I didn't see it).
In the final two corners, both Rockenfeller and Müller moved over, handing the victory to Rast.
It's just terrible to see what DTM has become, just marketing but NOT racing.
Such a move would be impossible in NASCAR, IndyCar or MotoGP.

This is what took place from Rast's in-car camera.
I know they have been using team orders there for years and even decades, but today's race at Red Bull Ring was just a disgrace to every race fan.
Conming into the last lap, Daniel Juncadella (Mercedes) led, with Mike Rockenfeller, Nico Müller and Rene Rast (all Audi) in positions 2-4.

With half a lap to go, race control announced that Juncadella had been given a 30-second-penalty for a restart infringement (whatever he did, I didn't see it).
In the final two corners, both Rockenfeller and Müller moved over, handing the victory to Rast.
It's just terrible to see what DTM has become, just marketing but NOT racing.
Such a move would be impossible in NASCAR, IndyCar or MotoGP.

This is what took place from Rast's in-car camera.

Wow. That is absolutely pathetic.
What a disgrace. This used to be a series that I paid keen attention to from race to race.
Team orders diminish the sport. And I'm concerned about other series; I've seen NASCAR teammates controlling restarts when a team has the two lead cars. I wonder how a true driver can accept team orders.
I still watch DTM on CBS Sports Network from time to time, when I remember to record it. My hope is that with Mercedes leaving and Aston Martin joining some of the manufacturer shenanigans come to an end. I think BMW and more importantly Audi should realize at this point that they need to thing bigger picture.

I'll still watch next year and 2020 to see how Class One does.
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