IndyCar: 2021 Big Machine Music City Grand Prix


Team Owner
Aug 6, 2016
Zwickau, Saxony (Germany)
Both of my favorite racing series are back from a month-long break this weekend:)
27 cars are on the entry list, Helio returns to the 06.
The super long straights and tight twisty sections remind me a little of Baku. There’s some major ****show potential here.

Daniel Suarez is running in Saturday’s TA2 race that has a record entry of 38 cars. (!)

I'm concerned for a race that has to have a water rescue team. :oops:
I'm concerned for a race that has to have a water rescue team. :oops:
They have them at Detroit and St. Pete too, just not on the same scale. But they’ve also brought in a brand new barrier/fencing system from Switzerland that’s new to U.S. street circuits which has passed stringent FIA tests, so they’ve invested a lot into making sure the track’s safety measures are as good as can be.
Watching practice today I was trying to figure out where passing might take place. There are some real narrow spots that obviously won't be passing zones but the wide parts might allow a pass by the time they get to the turn.....might. Lots of 90 degree turns. I like the track but just not clear how the racing will be. We'll see.
I think the bumps will play a bigger part than we thought. Either the cars can't take it or the drivers can't deal with it. I was super critical of champcar running that crappy place in Houston, so I have to be consistent and criticize this track for maybe even being worse. We'll know more when we see the cars run, but the bumps don't sound good.
I think the bumps will play a bigger part than we thought. Either the cars can't take it or the drivers can't deal with it. I was super critical of champcar running that crappy place in Houston, so I have to be consistent and criticize this track for maybe even being worse. We'll know more when we see the cars run, but the bumps don't sound good.

Like I said lol
This is going to be Jimmie’s first and last year right?

Guy is not even doing the bare minimum which is finish races.
Jimmie having a tough weekend...

Tough to see. He looked pretty solid through the first two practices but it’s been rough since qualifying. Into turn 4 is probably the toughest section of track, as bumpy as it gets, you have to tighten up against the wall on entry with downhill braking, and much more narrow than the exit on the other side of the bridge.
Parts are 1 lane narrow but other parts are 3 lanes wide. I still can't tell if those wide spots will allow a pass before the next turn. Sure hope so.
This is going to be Jimmie’s first and last year right?

Guy is not even doing the bare minimum which is finish races.
Not as long as he has an interest in it. The money’s there for two years and he’s not taking a seat from anyone else. I think they confirmed earlier this week he’s testing Homestead later this month to see how he feels about the 500.
They can actually fall off the track?
Ericsson in all kinds of trouble that was wild
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