I think the hat looks kind of dorky, but I believe it'll become a characteristic as he ages. I'm all about individuality so whatever floats his boat.
I don't mind the guy, he does nothing for me but does nothing against me either, except turn the #24 around yesterday but you know, I don't even have a problem with that. Jeff wasn't going to win. I don't even know if he'd of made the top 10 and honestly, he should have wrecked or been wrecked the 3 laps prior the way I watched it. I find it frustrating when Jeff takes the middle lanes, I don't know if car handling was an issue or the bottom wouldn't work but he always seems to drive into the middle lane and if something happens... Good luck. But that's his style I guess, year in year out he seems to take the middle or high lines.
Austin turning him around, meh. Something was always going to happen on that last lap. If he made the move stick he could have moved more positions ahead. It didn't happen that way, but he got those few positions anyway with what happened.
I couldn't tell you where he finished in any race last year.