I've gotta see



a surgen wed. I've been sick for the past month and a half w/gall bladder.the test came back not good. specialist is refering me to surgen b/c she strongly suspects i have stones blocking the duct.my liver and spleen are also swollen too.( remember last yr when liver was messed up?)

something else happened that i need y'll advice on.need to know if im over reacting.

nurse at primary dr. didn't want to give me labs/test results.said i was just getting fat and that i needed to loose weight.I want to go there monday and tell her my news and drop primary dr. hubby says to let it go about what the nurse said. but i can't what do y'll think?
A lot of nurses don't give the lab results if it's something the Dr. needs to talk to you about. As to the fat comment, it'd depend on your prior relationship with the nurse and doctor. I've been with mine for years so it wouldn't mean anything. But, the new nurses he hires have to earn that right as I do with them.
I guess I'm saying if boundaries were crossed, then talk with your doctor first. That is assuming you still want to see him. But I wouldn't let the issue with the nurse cost me a doctor I had trust in.
I agree with barelypure, talk to your doctor about her comment. I have had an issue in the past with the receptionist at my doctor's office. When I told my doctor he was extremely surprised and he said he would handle it. No problems yet. Chances are he doesn't have a clue what she said to you and if you like him I would just make him aware of it.

Good Luck with the surgeon I will keep you in my prayers.
Isis, if you like your doc, by all means mention the nurse's comments to him before moving. If he doesn't respond favorably, then consider going elsewhere.

I had a friend who had gall bladder surgery --- came through with flying colors. Go for it --- get it done and get rid of the pain.
I agree with everyone who says to talk to your doctor about her first. I know there were certain people who bothered me in different offices and when I was talking about one to someone else in the practice they told me they had a lot of complaints. She was gone soon.

Good luck with all you're going through!
Today I went to get my results for the surgon. She wasn't there.I had a nice conversation.To make a long story short, they said if i need anything to let them know and kept apologizing.

I almost got into it w/my boss.I haven't had a day off yet and am getting run down.boss is freaking out b/c my assistant it quiting to take care of her very sick mother and i'm about to be out for a week or more.finally he's giving me off wed.(onlyb/c i have an apt)My nerves are bad,i haven't been getting enough sleep(can't lay on stomach or right side b/c of pain)and im very swollen.It finally hit him today about my apt. I wanted to tell him you don't care about my healt i don't care if im back for valentine's day or not.i kept my mouth shut.a liscenced florist came in to apply for a job.i want to hire her but it's not up to me.it's up to him.im tryingto keep my mouth shut but he's really pushing me.
any suggestions??
4i, I know ALL about the gall bladder surgery. Had to have emergency surgery to have mine removed Memorial Day weekend 2007. I only had one gall stone. The only problem was, it was the size of a golf ball and it was lodged in the neck of my gall bladder. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM or email me!
good news: no stones.
bad news: I may have a very rare gallbladder disease that effects 1 in a million. I have to go through a test where they inject a small dosage of radiaton in me at the hospital and snap pics like a mri.
will be in the hospital this tues. morning going through radiation scan.

Has anyone been through this? any info would be helpful as I am getting nervous now.
Never for the gallbladder but I had a cat scan where they injected something radioactive then waited 30 minutes then did the scan.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Isis, I've had gallbaldder problems most of my life and there are no stones. Believe me, I can relate to the pain. Many times it can be triggered by foods that normally don't bother you (for me it's eggs).
Watch your cholesterol, eat oatmeal and Cheerios!
Never for the gallbladder but I had a cat scan where they injected something radioactive then waited 30 minutes then did the scan.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

This is not a cat (CT) scan but rather a pet (PT) scan. This is what they did to me to check for lung cancer last summer. The worst of it all is the time it takes and the position they have you in. In my case, I had to have my arms over my head. It became pretty uncomforable and I would move from time to time. The technician finally told me that I had to stop wiggling. LOL

Good luck and I hope they don't find anything.
This is not a cat (CT) scan but rather a pet (PT) scan. This is what they did to me to check for lung cancer last summer. The worst of it all is the time it takes and the position they have you in. In my case, I had to have my arms over my head. It became pretty uncomforable and I would move from time to time. The technician finally told me that I had to stop wiggling. LOL

Good luck and I hope they don't find anything.

I called your doctor and he was able to send me your pic of the procedure...


I've had ct and pt scans, none are comfortable...
You wouldn't believe how much that does look like me, but my arms aren't that big. Hair and glasses almost exact. But the tech that was working with me didn't look that good.
You wouldn't believe how much that does look like me, but my arms aren't that big. Hair and glasses almost exact. But the tech that was working with me didn't look that good.

The camera angle makes the arm look bigger than it is. :D
thanks for the well wishes and humor.I am very nervous about tomorrow.hope they give me something to calm me down.I'll let you know how it goes.get results thur.
im home.i did fine w/the radiation part.however when they injected me w/the stuff that contracted my gallbladder, i got really sick.pain was so bad had tears down face.im still sick to my stomach.test took and hour and a half.i hope they find out whats wrong w/me b/c im not going through any more test. get results this thur.gonna get some rest.

p.s. my pee didn't glow.:p
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I had that test last year. They call it a Disida scan. Fortunately, it was a breeze for me since I didn't have any pain when they contracted it, but I was scared it would. Did they ask you if you're going to fly anywhere in the next week or so? They said I could set off metal detectors!

Hope you feel much better soon. It's so frustrating when they can't figure out what's wrong. For me, I was pretty sure it wasn't my gall bladder and my doc had already sent me to the ED and then to have that scan after, all for nothing. It was just my normal pain from my GI disease.

Feel better soon!
got some bad news.today i was diagnoses w/that rare disease.it' s called BILIMY DYSKINESIA. only 7% of my gallbladder is still functioning.I have to reg. tomorrow. the surgery is monday morning.say some prayers.
once they remove the gallbladder,the other organs(liver,spleen) will go back to their normal size.now i just gotta hang in there till monday.
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for sure. Hang in there!!
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