Jeff Gluck: Dear Kyle Busch …


Team Owner
Oct 5, 2001

An open letter to Kyle Busch:

Dear Kyle,

Hey man. Tough weekend, huh? You dominated the Nationwide Series race at Darlington but lost it on an unlucky flat tire, then slammed the wall in the Sprint Cup race and finished many laps down.

Well, you know what they say: You can’t win ‘em all.

On second thought, maybe you’ve never heard that expression before. You certainly don’t act as if you have.

After the Nationwide race, you did that thing where you scowl and walk really fast and ignore reporters when they try to ask you for your reaction to what happened. You know what I’m talking about.

Then after you hit the wall in the Sprint Cup race, you refused to come out of your hauler for 45 minutes and talk to the waiting media and eventually offered just 15 words before getting back in your damaged car to finish the race.

Look, everyone knows you’re competitive and passionate about racing. And, no doubt, that fire helps you win races.

I’ve already gone on the record as saying I think you’ll eventually go down as the greatest driver in history when your career is finished. A ton of people think you have the best talent in the garage.

But you have become by far the worst loser in NASCAR. It’s no wonder fans have such a hard time rooting for you.

See, here’s the thing: When you win, you show a great deal of personality. You can be funny, engaging, interesting and entertaining. And you win so often, you’d think that you would learn how to take the bad times with the good times.

The problem is, there’s no in-between with you. If you don’t win, you often act like a child who didn’t get his way. People don’t like that, Kyle.

I heard your apologist Darrell Waltrip say the other day that you like winning more than anyone and hate losing more than anyone.

Uh, no. That’s pretty silly, actually. Other drivers despise losing, too. But most of them act like men and face the music when they have bad days.

We all have bad days, Kyle, but that doesn’t give us a license to behave badly. I don’t know if you realize this, but outside of the racing world, a lot of people – many NASCAR fans – have very difficult, high-stress jobs in which every day is not a victory. But that’s life – you have to go through adversity and learn how to deal with the down times.

And, dude, your down times aren’t even that bad. You storm off and refuse to talk when you have a bad finish, but at the end of the day you still fly home on a private jet to your lakeside mansion filled with expensive toys. How about a reality check?

Look, it might be understandable if you acted poorly after enduring weeks of frustration or something like that. But when you sweep the weekend at Richmond and then act as if it’s the end of the world because you didn’t win the very next week, that’s a problem.

Maybe you have too many enablers around you, Kyle. People let you get away with your bad behavior and don’t call you out on it or make you take responsibility for your actions. They make excuses for you and say, “Well, that’s just Kyle.”

I’m sure that makes things easier for you, because you never have to apologize and are allowed to just move on as if nothing ever happened. But Kyle, it sure doesn’t win you many friends. And the sad thing is, I think there are a lot of fans who actually want to like you. You just turn them off by being such a sour jerk.

What’s amazing about this whole thing is you could easily start to change your image by taking 30 seconds, answering two questions from reporters about what happened in the race – thereby sending a message to both the media and fans that you’re capable of dealing with defeat. It might require a deep breath and some self-discipline, but it’s not as if people are asking you to stand on the front lines in Afghanistan or anything.

I know there are good people giving you advice, the ones who understand how much you continually damage your image. Do yourself a favor and listen to them, Kyle. And aside from just your popularity, it wouldn’t hurt to try and be a better person in general.


Jeff Gluck
I am starting to see more and more passion in Kyle. I really miss the old Tony Stewart. If I were a team owner, I would want someone that was flat PIZZED at having a tire go down. The vanilla drivers do very little for me...
I am starting to see more and more passion in Kyle. I really miss the old Tony Stewart. If I were a team owner, I would want someone that was flat PIZZED at having a tire go down. The vanilla drivers do very little for me...

Same here, which is why I was drawn to Tony to start with, and my favorites list includes Tony, Robby Gordon, and Kyle Busch.

I am starting to see more and more passion in Kyle. I really miss the old Tony Stewart. If I were a team owner, I would want someone that was flat PIZZED at having a tire go down. The vanilla drivers do very little for me...

I agree totally. I'd hate to see him change a thing. He is who he is. It really doesn't matter what he says or does, it's always wrong. When he doesn't talk to the media, we're pissed. When he does, we're pissed at what he says. I think he relishes in being the 'bad boy' of NASCAR as evident in his bow after the winning race. It's his way of sticking it to the fan that's pissed at everything he does. If you're the fan that feels the 'Kyle hate', I feel for you. He's going to be around a while & IMO I don't see him changing. :beerbang:
Kyle certainly has reason to be pissed lately. Throw out Richmond and look at Kyle's last 5 races:

Darlington - 34th
Talladega - 25th
Phoenix - 17th
Texas - 18th
Martinsville - 24th

Maybe he should swap CC with Jr. :D
Kyle did absolutely nothing wrong. He was not obligated to talk to the media. Sure they may want to get his reaction especially after his bad luck in the NW race but he didn't finish top 5 so he doesn't have to.
Kyle did absolutely nothing wrong. He was not obligated to talk to the media. Sure they may want to get his reaction especially after his bad luck in the NW race but he didn't finish top 5 so he doesn't have to.
BP, no matter what Kyle does, everyone's gonna whine about it.

You don't see the media attacking Clint Bowyer for not talking to the media, do you? :rolleyes:

He could talk and thank his crew and they'd say he doesn't have enough emotion. He doesn't talk and they say he throws a temper. He talks and speaks his mind and they say he's an arrogant jerk.

Kyle can't win with these people -- they're irrational. :rolleyes:
I am starting to see more and more passion in Kyle. I really miss the old Tony Stewart. If I were a team owner, I would want someone that was flat PIZZED at having a tire go down. The vanilla drivers do very little for me...

I'm glad someone wants to win, and not just "have a good points day". I'm glad someone gets pissed when they wreck, or when something happens to their car. I'm glad someone drives like a little demon to win races. I'm glad someone pisses the fans off. They'll come to races just to boo him and throw stuff at him.
It's called "sportsmanship". When you're more than willing, in fact go out of your way to excite or incite fans with a burnout and bow when you win then run off with tears in your eyes like a little girl, no offense meant ladies, when things don't go right or you lose it just proves you don't have it.
It's called "sportsmanship". When you're more than willing, in fact go out of your way to excite or incite fans with a burnout and bow when you win then run off with tears in your eyes like a little girl, no offense meant ladies, when things don't go right or you lose it just proves you don't have it.
Kyle ain't there to make friends or make fans. He's there to win races. That's all he cares about, and he's said plenty of times he don't care what the fans think.

Somehow though, the lines are getting longer at his trailer. The cheers keep getting louder. New fans are coming to Kyle like they came to Gordon. He knows he can't win every race, but he gives it 100% every week and tries his best.

And if I were wrecked up because of tires blowing, I'd be pissed to. I remember a certain Mr. Stewart punching reporters when they harassed him -- they might want to be more greatful that Kyle just walks away.
I want a driver who gets pissed at losing --- you need fire to win.

But, handling adversity when it comes at you is important. Yes, you can be mad, but have the fortitude to say "that's racing."

If I had run the other way whenever something went wrong in the classroom, I would not have a job for too long.
, and he's said plenty of times he don't care what the fans think.
The cheers keep getting louder.

and that's why some fans don't like him

and yes I heard the cheers for him when he gave up the lead to go in and change that flat tire.
It's called "sportsmanship". When you're more than willing, in fact go out of your way to excite or incite fans with a burnout and bow when you win then run off with tears in your eyes like a little girl, no offense meant ladies, when things don't go right or you lose it just proves you don't have it.
Yep ...I totally agree:beerbang:
It's called "sportsmanship". When you're more than willing, in fact go out of your way to excite or incite fans with a burnout and bow when you win then run off with tears in your eyes like a little girl, no offense meant ladies, when things don't go right or you lose it just proves you don't have it.

I suppose a driver like Lil'E who likes to ride around in the back and play up to the fans and does his 'aw shucks' interview or Mikey who wrecks every other race but remembers to thank all 41 sponsors in a non-stop spiel is more of a driver.
Me, if I'm an owner, I'll take KB and be happy to stand in line at the bank...
and that's why some fans don't like him

and yes I heard the cheers for him when he gave up the lead to go in and change that flat tire.

Yeah, I could hear it over the TV ...and I was half asleep. It woke me up actually. LOL :D
It's called "sportsmanship". When you're more than willing, in fact go out of your way to excite or incite fans with a burnout and bow when you win then run off with tears in your eyes like a little girl, no offense meant ladies, when things don't go right or you lose it just proves you don't have it.

No offense taken. I call him a little girl when he runs away, too.

I'm glad someone wants to win, and not just "have a good points day". I'm glad someone gets pissed when they wreck, or when something happens to their car. I'm glad someone drives like a little demon to win races. I'm glad someone pisses the fans off. They'll come to races just to boo him and throw stuff at him.

Oh sure, I'll spend $100 on a ticket just to boo Kyle. Give me a break. :rolleyes:
There's a big difference between Tony and Kyle as far as I'm concerned. Tony shows a sense of humor and he also gives enough thoughtful answers to make up for the times he's been less than congenial.

Here is the FACT. I like Tony. He can get away with far more stuff with me than Kyle. I laugh when he says things, esp. when he's angry and what he's saying is the truth. As much as I admire Robby for all the kinds of racing he does, he's kind of a wrecker on the track. I still get a kick out of him saying things about Mikey. I laugh everytime they show Robby throwing his helmet at Mikey's car. Mikey is a big fake as far as I'm concerned. All you have to do is listen to him on This Week in Nascar. He gives the company line everytime. I laugh when Clint Bowyer disses him and they put it on the air not knowing what they're going to get, esp. when Darryl is sitting up there having to listen to it. LOL

I don't like Kyle. So most things he does ticks me off and will continue to do so until I see some changes in him. He's a punk. He can drive, but he's a punk. I didn't boo him when everyone else was. I was screaming at Tony to get past him and win the race, though. ;)
Oh sure, I'll spend $100 on a ticket just to boo Kyle. Give me a break. :rolleyes:

Why do they sell out CRA races with crowd booing at him?

Why do people go to Truck races that double ticket sales once his name goes on the entry list?
Why do they sell out CRA races with crowd booing at him?

Why do people go to Truck races that double ticket sales once his name goes on the entry list?

And your information comes from where? Did you give fans at the gate a questionnaire and not allow them in until they answered whether they came to boo Kyle or not? Talk about being ridiculous! Truck races are good whether Kyle is in them or NOT. CRA races are more than likely far less expensive than Cup/Nationwide races. I'm sure it depends on the venue as well as what is going on that weekend. The racing world does NOT revolve around Kyle. Sorry to pop your bubble.
Some of the posts sound like they were from DW. kyle has no more desire to win than most of the other drivers. It is an insult to the other drivers to insinuate that Kyle wants to win more than them. It is also BS. Fact is Kyle is a litlle kiddie who rants and raves when he doesn't get his way. Kurt was the same way but has matured a 'little" bit. I would like to see kyle out in industry and working for a living and try to pull that crap. :rolleyes:
Some of the posts sound like they were from DW. kyle has no more desire to win than most of the other drivers. It is an insult to the other drivers to insinuate that Kyle wants to win more than them. It is also BS. Fact is Kyle is a litlle kiddie who rants and raves when he doesn't get his way. Kurt was the same way but has matured a 'little" bit. I would like to see kyle out in industry and working for a living and try to pull that crap. :rolleyes:


I suppose a driver like Lil'E who likes to ride around in the back and play up to the fans and does his 'aw shucks' interview or Mikey who wrecks every other race but remembers to thank all 41 sponsors in a non-stop spiel is more of a driver.
Me, if I'm an owner, I'll take KB and be happy to stand in line at the bank...

Presenting your public face in an interview to pay homage to the sponsors that pay your bills is necessary if you want to keep racing at the top level of motorsports. If you want a more accurate barometer of a driver's passion, listen to his radio chatter during a race.
Presenting your public face in an interview to pay homage to the sponsors that pay your bills is necessary if you want to keep racing at the top level of motorsports. If you want a more accurate barometer of a driver's passion, listen to his radio chatter during a race.

Amen to that Jimmie isn't as vanilla as he's portrayed on TV:growl:

Kyle be PO'ed but be in control see Tony Stewart flaming Goodyear
Stewart is the only driver in my recent memory to have been put on probation by his sponsor for bad behavior. Like it or not, drivers and other team members that appear on camera are spokesmen for their sponsors and symbols of thse companies public images. Winning definitely has divedends for those companies, but someone acting like a dick can have just the opposite effect.
Why do they sell out CRA races with crowd booing at him?

Why do people go to Truck races that double ticket sales once his name goes on the entry list?

Here you go Andy just get it over with With these rings I thee wed

You may now kiss your man bride.
Here you go Andy just get it over with With these rings I thee wed

You may now kiss your man bride.


Put down your Hatorade, wake up and grab a cup of coffee. Kyle Busch is the best driver out there right now. He may be ****y and arrogant but he backs it up on the track. Kyle's the real deal -- deal with it. :rolleyes:
I think that Kyle is a arrogant punk. I also thought that of his brother, and before that, Smoke, and before that Jeff Gordon. I like his driving style, and it doesn't bother me to see him angry about losing. My man, ole "Ironhead" as some people tagged him, was the worst at losing a close race. He was the king of pe-oed post race interviews. It used to anger my Parents to hear him after the race, and I usually was left in my chair trying to defend his comments. I am so sick of people who want everyone to live a candy coated life, and be politically correct. Not everyone can be a total piece of cardboard like JIMMY J.

Kyle, drive hard, drive fast, win some and lose some, but most of all, keep your personality please. NASCAR desperatly needs it.

Put down your Hatorade, wake up and grab a cup of coffee. Kyle Busch is the best driver out there right now. He may be ****y and arrogant but he backs it up on the track. Kyle's the real deal -- deal with it. :rolleyes:

Andy everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just because that is your opinion don't mean everyone else should think that too. We are entitled say what we want about our drivers and others just like you are. This does not mean anyone is wrong. It would be pretty boring if everyone liked the same driver.
I think that Kyle is a arrogant punk. I also thought that of his brother, and before that, Smoke, and before that Jeff Gordon. I like his driving style, and it doesn't bother me to see him angry about losing. My man, ole "Ironhead" as some people tagged him, was the worst at losing a close race. He was the king of pe-oed post race interviews. It used to anger my Parents to hear him after the race, and I usually was left in my chair trying to defend his comments. I am so sick of people who want everyone to live a candy coated life, and be politically correct. Not everyone can be a total piece of cardboard like JIMMY J.

Kyle, drive hard, drive fast, win some and lose some, but most of all, keep your personality please. NASCAR desperatly needs it.
Seeing petulant jerks that make more money in one race than many people do in a year isn't why I follow NASCAR. I see enough of those kind of people every day.
I think that Kyle is a arrogant punk. I also thought that of his brother, and before that, Smoke, and before that Jeff Gordon. I like his driving style, and it doesn't bother me to see him angry about losing. My man, ole "Ironhead" as some people tagged him, was the worst at losing a close race. He was the king of pe-oed post race interviews. It used to anger my Parents to hear him after the race, and I usually was left in my chair trying to defend his comments. I am so sick of people who want everyone to live a candy coated life, and be politically correct. Not everyone can be a total piece of cardboard like JIMMY J.

Kyle, drive hard, drive fast, win some and lose some, but most of all, keep your personality please. NASCAR desperatly needs it.

WOW! Right on and an AMEN brother! :beerbang::beerbang::beerbang:
Andy....we know you are here. Would you please downsize your freaking text. It screws up the topics.:(

Put down your Hatorade, wake up and grab a cup of coffee. Kyle Busch is the best driver out there right now. He may be ****y and arrogant but he backs it up on the track. Kyle's the real deal -- deal with it. :rolleyes:
Jimmie Johnson might have something to say about whos the best.
I think that Kyle is a arrogant punk. I also thought that of his brother, and before that, Smoke, and before that Jeff Gordon. I like his driving style, and it doesn't bother me to see him angry about losing. My man, ole "Ironhead" as some people tagged him, was the worst at losing a close race. He was the king of pe-oed post race interviews. It used to anger my Parents to hear him after the race, and I usually was left in my chair trying to defend his comments. I am so sick of people who want everyone to live a candy coated life, and be politically correct. Not everyone can be a total piece of cardboard like JIMMY J.

Kyle, drive hard, drive fast, win some and lose some, but most of all, keep your personality please. NASCAR desperatly needs it.

I'll agree, even though he rubs me the wrong way sometimes, the kid has so much talent, how can you not admire that. He will mature into a much more polished racer and be a better interview as the years go on. Nascar needs character, not PC crap.
I must be missing something here. There seems to be an attitude of "Sure he's an a-hole.. but don't you just love seeing a-holes succeed! It's good for our sport!".:idunno:

Put down your Hatorade, wake up and grab a cup of coffee. Kyle Busch is the best driver out there right now. He may be ****y and arrogant but he backs it up on the track. Kyle's the real deal -- deal with it. :rolleyes:

So I guess we are not entitled to our opinion.You think we are supposed to study under The Book of Andy.Well hate to bust your bubble but it's not going to happen.Why don't you deal with it that not everyone is all goo goo eyes over that whiney arse punk.
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