Joe Lieberman running for President

I don't think there's the slightest possibility a Jew can be elected President of the US.

No matter how well qualified, he'll suffer the very real prejudice of a lot of voters and the fear others have that electing a Jewish President will bring us even more hatred from arabs around the world.

The Democratic Party would like the world to know how all inclusive they are but nominating a Jew would be giving the election to Bush in '04. They won't do that.

Watch for a nominee from the South.
Very insightful Alaska. Imagine the backlash internationally.
Jewish or not, I could care less. He's not presidential material. Hopefully the media will rip him to rags over the next several months. If that's the best the Democrats can put up, I'm thrilled. Bush in 2004, Frist in 2008. You heard it here first.
I don't have a problem with him being a Jew. But the fact that he ran with Al Gore. I belive screwed his chances of becomeing pres.
Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan
Jewish or not, I could care less.  He's not presidential material.  Hopefully the media will rip him to rags over the next several months.  If that's the best the Democrats can put up, I'm thrilled.  Bush in 2004, Frist in 2008.  You heard it here first.

Rudy Giuliani in '08
Yeah, Rudy's gonna run. I'm shocked he ain't running this time.
I hope someone besides the both of them will run, bush is just as much as a lier and a cheat as the next guy. But lets not get to argueing over politics again. The point of the thread was *Can a Jewish person become president in the usa as of today?*.
Can it happen? Maybe, but I don't think THIS one can.

We can be PC all day long...I'd rather we WEREN'T, but that's another thread. Being PC is fine if you choose, but it's naive to expect the rest of the world to follow suit. Prejudices exist, and they are sometimes strong to the point of being all-consuming. If we do elect a Jewish person, or a Black person, or a woman, or any of a myriad of other options, we must be prepared to deal with the biases of the other world leaders. To expect any less is narrow minded....every bit as narrow minded as the ideaology that LEADS to the biases in question.

I can know it's fine to have a female president. You can know it. Try telling some of the world's leaders it's OK. Same for a Black, or a Jewish, or whatever. The existence of these ideas does not make them right. The knowledge that they are not right does not make them go away either.

As stated earlier, I could care less if he's Jewish, Baptist, Mormon, or Muslim. He is not the right man for the job IMO.
Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan

As stated earlier, I could care less if he's Jewish, Baptist, Mormon, or Muslim.  He is not the right man for the job IMO.

And to quote my wife "He's a dweeb."
well i got a local running edwards but if bush goes again hegots my vote closest thing to thesouth in dc we can get lol
The guy just announced he was running yesterday. As yet, I've heard no one except the press even mention his religion. Has anyone thought that maybe they are falling for the artificial hype generated by people who profit from it? Lieberman is by far the most well known and just may be the most "qualified" to run as of right now. But, anyone offered up this early in the game is just a sacrificial lamb to an election against Bush.:) Unless Bush really falls on his face (which is always a possibility) he's got it sewed up.

TWF is probably right about prejudices in this country but the media is stirring to pot to catch all the people they my opinion, that is every bit as much bigotry as Jesse Jackson's "Hiemy town" statement of a few years back.
Right, but the media is liberal and always supports liberals.

Bush's approval rating is slipping as of late, I wonder if some people are feeling the same things I mentioned the other night about NK and Iraq.
Doesn't matter a lick to me if he's a jew. I vote for a man's convictions, not his religion. His religion might control his convictions, but they don't control my vote.
Originally posted by paul
Bush's approval rating is slipping as of late, I wonder if some people are feeling the same things I mentioned the other night about NK and Iraq.

I'm sure the NK/Iraq thing is partly (even mostly) responsible for the ratings slip. But approval ratings go up and down all the time. Bush has had some pretty damned high ratings up till now........and slippage had to be expected sooner or later. Besides, there's quite a long time till Bush has to get going with a real campaign.......and he's shown he ain't no slouch at the political game. I just think it's hype........something to keep bigotry in front of the public.
Originally posted by Lap3Forever
i will be able to vote this time around.

Make sure you register lappy!!:) And I better not hear later that you "forgot" or "didn't have time".:(

That goes for you too Smack500!!:D
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Make sure you register lappy!!:)   And I better not hear later that you "forgot" or "didn't have time".:(  

That goes for you too Smack500!!:D

i wont forget DEW :)
So far I have no one to vote for, but Im not getting into that again.
Originally posted by smack500
So far I have no one to vote for, but Im not getting into that again.

Well register for your favorite Independent or write in someone (as long as you don't vote for something stupid like Mickey Mouse to "make a statement"). Otherwise you forfeit any legitimate right to argue about how things are in this country.:)
I might vote for Ollie North if I thought he had a real chance to win.
lol I don't vote for someone just cause there Independent, theres enough people doing that for dems and Reps. To me voteing for a cheat or lier to run, the country I live in is just the same as throwing the vote away.
Smack, since you choose not to participate in how things political are done in this country, why don't you do us all a favor and stop starting threads such as this.
Yea, I guess theres no reason vote participation is so low and most of those who do vote, vote for someone because of a letter beside there name. Anyway we have been over this subject before.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Smack, since you choose not to participate in how things political are done in this country, why don't you do us all a favor and stop starting threads such as this.

What do you mean? What's wrong with not voting to either party? Or am I missing something?
The problem is that if you do not vote, most people (myself included) feel you don't have the right to complain about the results. If you want to change something, vote. If you don't care enough to vote in an election then don't complain about the outcome of it.
i don't want any president that would make even harsher video game law's.
plus, he's the same doofus that hung out with crybaby gore in 2000.
Originally posted by j ozzman 5000
i don't want any president that would make even harsher video game law's.
plus, he's the same doofus that hung out with crybaby gore in 2000.

I sincerely hope that you don't honestly think THAT is the most pressing issue facing a president.
Originally posted by j ozzman 5000
i don't want any president that would make even harsher video game law's.

Now there's a good reason to vote for the opposition. Those of us who choose our candidates based on national defense, the economy and political affiliation have been wasting our votes all these years.

Thanks for enlightening us.
I'm not sure, but I think he was referring to Lieberman's stand on the sex and violence in the intertainment industry. Noble stance, but certainly no reason to base your vote upon.:)
I'm missing something. I thought Smack said he wasn't voting for either party. Did I miss something and he said he wasn't going to vote at all?

If your voting for an independent more power to you.

If your not voting, you lost your right to complain as far as I'm concerned.

Alaska: I'd add political affliation in with the video games. Political affliation doesn't always add up to the issuses.
Originally posted by mngopherguy
I'm missing something. I thought Smack said he wasn't voting for either party.  Did I miss something and he said he wasn't going to vote at all?

If your voting for an independent more power to you.  

If your not voting, you lost your right to complain as far as I'm concerned.  

Alaska:  I'd add political affliation in with the video games.  Political affliation doesn't always add up to the issuses.

Don't know if you were around a few months ago when we had a similar discussion with smack and his refusal to vote (he's not 18 yet, but he said he would not vote anyway). He has some pretty provocative topics.......which I, personally, don't mind discussing with him. But, I'm with you if he doesn't vote when he comes of age, then he has lost any legitimate right to argue one way or the other. That is NOT to say he has to vote......just that if he doesn't then keep the political opinions to himself.

And political affiliation alone is not an issue or reason to vote either.........but, sometimes you have to vote for something that is closest to your beliefs. I've crossed party lines in the past.........well probably do it again. But, for the most part my party affiliation is closest to how I, voting sometimes is along party lines. It's the way our system works.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Don't know if you were around a few months ago when we had a similar discussion with smack and his refusal to vote (he's not 18 yet, but he said he would not vote anyway).  He has some pretty provocative topics.......which I, personally, don't mind discussing with him.  But, I'm with you if he doesn't vote when he comes of age, then he has lost any legitimate right to argue one way or the other.   That is NOT to say he has to vote......just that if he doesn't then keep the political opinions to himself.

And political affiliation alone is not an issue or reason to vote either.........but, sometimes you have to vote for something that is closest to your beliefs.  I've crossed party lines in the past.........well probably do it again.  But, for the most part my party affiliation is closest to how I, voting sometimes is along party lines.  It's the way our system works.

Got ya DE. :D

And I agree with all the above, I just think when people say they vote down party lines, they didn't do their homework, or it sure SOUNDS that way :)
Originally posted by Alaska
Now there's a good reason to vote for the opposition. Those of us who choose our candidates based on national defense, the economy and political affiliation have been wasting our votes all these years.

Thanks for enlightening us.

If you think thats bad look at some of the other post. Others were someone wouldn't vote for him because hes a d and they dont vote for ds. Someone else said they would vote for bush because hes the most southern canadite.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Don't know if you were around a few months ago when we had a similar discussion with smack and his refusal to vote (he's not 18 yet, but he said he would not vote anyway).  He has some pretty provocative topics.......which I, personally, don't mind discussing with him.  But, I'm with you if he doesn't vote when he comes of age, then he has lost any legitimate right to argue one way or the other.   That is NOT to say he has to vote......just that if he doesn't then keep the political opinions to himself.

And political affiliation alone is not an issue or reason to vote either.........but, sometimes you have to vote for something that is closest to your beliefs.  I've crossed party lines in the past.........well probably do it again.  But, for the most part my party affiliation is closest to how I, voting sometimes is along party lines.  It's the way our system works.

If theres a canidate that hasn't been cought in a major lie or been suspected in a scandal I would vote, but thats unlikely.
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