Joe Lieberman running for President

Originally posted by smack500
If theres a canidate that hasn't been cought in a major lie or been suspected in a scandal I would vote, but thats unlikely.

Have you even looked at any other parties? Vote Independent, Green, or whatever else. Until then, what gives you the right to continually complain, when you didn't vote( Your biggest right!). I may disagree with 90+% of what alot of these republican guys say, but atleast they voted!!!
Originally posted by mngopherguy
Until then, what gives you the right to continually complain, when you didn't vote( Your biggest right!).

Gopherguy, actually, our constitution gives him that right. It doesn't say that unless you vote, you can't gripe. I've heard that saying for as long as I've been able to vote and I've never agreed with it. I can't think of a regular election that I've not voted, but I'm not going to tell anyone they have to vote. In fact, the less people who vote, the better chances I'll have my way because I do vote. I understand completely the argument that goes with this saying, but it doesn't mean someone can't gripe.
My first presidential election will be in 2004, last time I checked this isn't 2004 Im waiting for the election to start to see who is running. I prolly will vote for an independant. I dont recall saying IM NOT EVER GONNA VOTE, I just said I wouldn't vote for a cheat or a lier which covers most of the major canidates R and Ds. I probally will vote for an independent.
Weren't you just saying it's silly to vote strictly down party lines? How is it not equally silly to not vote strictly down party lines?
I said I would probally end up voteing for an independent. I also said I wouldn't for a lier or a chat, most likely if there is a canidate that isnt one he is a independent. thats basically all I said. If theres Rep or Dem canidate that has keept some morals I would consider voteing for them also. Like I said before thats not likely.
I said a major lie and paul thats exactly my point, not many people to choose from for me. I refuse to vote someone into office that has the same qualities as a criminal at local prison.
Smack, you have to learn more about politics and what's at stake. We aren't talking about the local mayor or dog catcher here. The man running this country is the most powerful man in the world. The things he stands for are the direction we go. You have to sit down and figure out what your own ideology is and go from there. Unless you are the candidate, no one will completely fill the bill for you, but someone will be the closest and that's where you should put your support. Not voting for him/her or for the other side is a vote against your own views. The time to vote for the most moral man is in the primaries.
Originally posted by buckaroo
Gopherguy, actually, our constitution gives him that right.  It doesn't say that unless you vote, you can't gripe.  I've heard that saying for as long as I've been able to vote and I've never agreed with it.  I can't think of a regular election that I've not voted, but I'm not going to tell anyone they have to vote.  In fact, the less people who vote, the better chances I'll have my way because I do vote.  I understand completely the argument that goes with this saying, but it doesn't mean someone can't gripe.

And I've never understood why its fine to gripe and bitch and moan when you didn't do anything about it. If you don't like something vote and try to change it. How hard is that to understand?
Originally posted by paul
Weren't you just saying it's silly to vote strictly down party lines?  How is it not equally silly to not vote strictly down party lines?

I'm the one who said that to be fair. And I stand by it. I voted for acouple democrats, many independent's, and one republican last election as an example.
Im not talking about lieing to your mom about the soup tasteing good when its really nasty. Im talking about covering up a dui, or being in office and promiseing something and not comming through, dodgeing the draft, or being involved in a multi million dollar scandal useing your powers or reputation/name. Most likely they would be doing the same thing but at a higher level.

The man running this country is the most powerful man in the world.

I dont know about that but yes hes very powerfull thats why Im verry carefull about who I endorce for the job.
Gopherguy, do you have any convictions or do you just go by the seat of your pants? Of course I'm talking about national politics, not local.
Originally posted by buckaroo
Gopherguy, do you have any convictions or do you just go by the seat of your pants?  Of course I'm talking about national politics, not local.

huh? oh yeah.......:snore:
Smack explain one thing to me. You say you can't vote Rep. or Dem. because they are liers, cheats and theives. But you could vote Ind. Are you saying the Ind. are good moral hosest people. That are running for the same office that the other two parties are. To me something is wrong with that picture. Oh by the way I do vote every election.
EVERY PERSON IS DIFFRENT I AM NOT PREJIDUCE, SO FAR FROM THE CANIDATES I HAVE SEEN FOR THE UPCOMING ELECTION, ALL DEM AND REPs TALKING ABOUT RUNNING WERE CROOKS. Theres several reps and dems that I have not seen or herd about being involved in any major scandals or saying major lies, they havent said anything about running for president in 2004. There are independents that are crooks too I would not have voted for ross or some of the other independants.
Originally posted by buckaroo
Gopherguy, do you have any convictions or do you just go by the seat of your pants?  Of course I'm talking about national politics, not local.

I do my homework and vote accordingly. If someone votes strictly republican because they like the candidates, thats cool. What I find disturbing is when you ask a person why they voted for someone, and they say because he's a deomocrat. Or because he's a republican.
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