Johali's Rate the Cup race ---- 600

274 gadzillion with a 1 gadzillion reduction for the shortened race. MY Camry XSEs were the class of the field. The winner was just.....the way it happened was not.....but I will take it!
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I wish NASCAR would at least drop the yellow flags for the stage breaks when the window for good weather is limited. They should just keep racing and work in the TV commercial time as needed in those cases.

I realize they were never going to cover the entire 600 miles based on the available time before the storms actually hit. But they could have completed more laps without those time-consuming stage breaks.

Notes and Disclosure:

I like awarding stage points, but I have never liked the included caution, so take my very subjective opinion for what it is worth or with a grain of salt.

I think the stoppage or moment of silence in remembrance of our soldiers at the halfway point is a very worthy thing to do, especially on Memorial Day. But I think they could have worked that in during the first natural caution in order to avoid an additional pre-planned mid race stage break.

The Memorial Day pre-race celebrations are great, but I think they should have occurred during the Fox pre-race show due to the weather concerns. The command to start engines should have happened immediately when the race telecast started at 6:00 or 6:01 p.m. The thunderstorms didn't sneak up on them; the weather forecast was clear and timely enough to plan accordingly.
The command to start engines should have happened immediately when the race telecast started at 6:00 or 6:01 p.m. The thunderstorms didn't sneak up on them; the weather forecast was clear and timely enough to plan accordingly.
I was surprised NASCAR didn't move the start time up.

Every time Nascar takes a step forward they shoot themselves directly in the same foot. Way too many videos circulating social media of a dry race track this morning

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2. For how many hours NASCAR wasted of everybody’s time before calling a race they could’ve gotten in.
7.5 The actual racing we saw before the rain was good. -10 for the decision to call it. I’ve watched several races after 1:00 AM in my life.
I don't have a rating, but I'm as disappointed as everybody else. If Fox made the decision, I don't see how NASCAR can let the TV network decide the experience of the fans that paid and traveled to be at the race in person. To me, that should be the primary objective, to make the in-person experience as worth-while as it can be. And I think NASCAR owes it to their fans to go the full race distance if possible.

The track was clearly drying, it's a holiday weekend with Monday off for most people, and the crew members were as close to home as possible for any race of the year. There's also the spectacle of the Larson double on the line, which while it was already compromised, could have been salvaged for a great storyline. Instead they sent everybody home. I don't get it.
8 for the racing we saw. Bell was the guy to beat from the start, he had that place locked.

As I stated in an earlier thread, I was there when they had 4 rain delays and called the race at 1am with only a handful of laps remaining.

It was total
Bull ****.gif
to call it when they did. JMHO
I don't have a rating, but I'm as disappointed as everybody else. If Fox made the decision, I don't see how NASCAR can let the TV network decide the experience of the fans that paid and traveled to be at the race in person. To me, that should be the primary objective, to make the in-person experience as worth-while as it can be. And I think NASCAR owes it to their fans to go the full race distance if possible.

The track was clearly drying, it's a holiday weekend with Monday off for most people, and the crew members were as close to home as possible for any race of the year. There's also the spectacle of the Larson double on the line, which while it was already compromised, could have been salvaged for a great storyline. Instead they sent everybody home. I don't get it.
I can assure you Fox had nothing to do with calling the race.

I recorded the 600 so when it started raining I hit the sack and found out the race been called in the morning. I may have been a tad bit more cranky if I’d stayed up until it was called. I liked the racing I saw.
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