Johali's Rate the Xfinity race --- Daytona

Completely agree with your rating. Didn’t want to let the finish 100% ruin my rating, but it certainly hurt it.

7 despite all the wrecking

It’s hard to sit through the end of some of these things. Tedious.
I thought it was great - up until crash with the 19 and 21, I thought they all did a really good job of keeping the cars underneath them, it was clearly unstable. Great racing almost the whole way. Yeah the end wasn’t as satisfying as the rest of the race but I enjoyed the vast majority of it.

8 - Understanding plate racing for what it is (good and bad) I rate based on excitement and racing factors. I thought the racing was really good for Xfinity. Some amazing swapping of positions at times. The chain reaction wrecks are going to happen but there weren’t too many stupid maneuvers to ruin things.
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