Junyer wins Most Popular Driver

Honestly, I would stop ragging on Jr. if his fans would stop the delusions that he's a better driver than he is. Of course Jr. need to stop that delusion too. I have a train magazine (I like trains), and in one issues there was an advertisement for a Dale Earnhardt Jr. Train Set, and it says "In Honor of one of NASCAR's greatest, next generation drivers..."

See, that is what I'm annoyed with. Jr. is not one of NASCAR greatest driver, and I wish people would wake up to that. Could he be a great driver in the future, I don't know. However, right now he is not.

LMAO, what do you expect in a "TRAIN MAGAZINE".
I am not a Jr. fan, but I couldn't care less about this whole thing. He wins most popular driver every year, good for him. I don't think anybody doubts how many fans he has.

Why I dislike Jr. has really nothing to do with him at all, he is what he is. What I have a problem with are his fans that act like he is the best thing that has happened to NASCAR since his dad was alive. I have a problem with these people that rate him up there with the likes of Petty, Earnhardt Sr., Waltrip, Gordon and Johnson. That is my problem with him :)
Nope, I just root for whoever has talent. Jr. is not one of those drivers.

The Busch championship are meaningless because we are talking about Sprint, not Busch. The difference between the two series is like College Football vs. NFL. In College, not everyone is the best at the game, so you can be a mediocre player and come off looking great. However, in the NFL everyone is strong, everyone is fast, and everyone can play the game very well. I believe the same applies to Busch vs. Sprint. Jr. was a big fish in a small pond back in Busch, but in Sprint, he's a small fish in a large pond.

Also, that Daytona 500 win is not without controversy.


http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/13/s...d=1&adxnnlx=1217962971-sdjl5fE/SCtE nbwNtVVDQ

Honestly, I wouldn't put it past NASCAR to give Jr. alittle boost in that race. I mean it's a great story, son claims victory at track that killed father. It's like watching a modern day Greek Mythology!

Also, you hit the nail on the head. He got his father fan. He's famous because of his father, not for anything that he did. He's riding his dead dad's coat tail, and my guess is, he always will be. He knows he's mediocre at best, and he knows the only thing keeping him on Hendrick's team is the Earnhardt name.

They've already tried getting rid of the gremlins, first by switching to the best NASCAR team on the circuit, and then by switching crew chiefs. They can switch and swap all the different aspect they want, but until they address the man who sits behind the wheel, they're not going to be at the top of the points, or have a serious shot at the championship.

your not very smart are you
I am not a Jr. fan, but I couldn't care less about this whole thing. He wins most popular driver every year, good for him. I don't think anybody doubts how many fans he has.

Why I dislike Jr. has really nothing to do with him at all, he is what he is. What I have a problem with are his fans that act like he is the best thing that has happened to NASCAR since his dad was alive. I have a problem with these people that rate him up there with the likes of Petty, Earnhardt Sr., Waltrip, Gordon, Stewart and Johnson. That is my problem with him :)

I fixed that for you and agree. Jr. has yet to write his legacy. I certainly hope he will.
I have a problem with these people that rate him up there with the likes of Petty, Earnhardt Sr., Waltrip, Gordon and Johnson. That is my problem with him :)
not only do i rate jr up there with mikey i rate him above him. <g>
I'm an Earnhardt fan & though I was happy to hear Jr won this award again, it's on a serious sour note. His season was horrible & if I were him I would have made a very humbling speech thanking my fans for their undying loyalty & perhaps suggested J.J's fans do some more voting next year I mean the man has won 4 str8 Cups...
I'm an Earnhardt fan & though I was happy to hear Jr won this award again, it's on a serious sour note. His season was horrible & if I were him I would have made a very humbling speech thanking my fans for their undying loyalty & perhaps suggested J.J's fans do some more voting next year I mean the man has won 4 str8 Cups...

But, it isn't about winning the most Championships. I am not a JJ fan and would not vote for him. Not because I don't like him, but, because he is not my favorite driver. My vote goes to Jeff Gordon, whether or not he wins. Jr deserves it as there is no question on his popularity.
This thread title has "Junior " misspelled!

I assume it was a way of criticizing and irritating Junior fans!

If you have a problem with him winning the award go vote early and often next year!

And please, when you do criticize "Junior ", indicate who you favorite driver is so we can return the favor :beerbang:
This thread title has "Junior " misspelled!

I assume it was a way of criticizing and irritating Junior fans!

If you have a problem with him winning the award go vote early and often next year!

And please, when you do criticize "Junior ", indicate who you favorite driver is so we can return the favor :beerbang:

I started the thread. I type "Junyer" because, well, because I can.

Oh, and my favorite driver is Mark Martin.
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