Las Vegas RACE thread

Jimmie is just one lap down and in lucky dog position.... loose right front was the issue.
Jimmie is just one lap down and in lucky dog position.... loose right front was the issue.

Sure about that? I'm seeing about 8 or so cars a lap down ahead of him.
Just 20 cars on the lead lap and not even half way …

Johnson is sure to get that lucky dog position and get back out front! DO IT TO IT 48!!
pretty damn difficult to pass. Gordon is stranded in 11th. It makes sense though with them doing 210 in the corners.
Holy Smoke, if this race doesn't have an exciting finish after all this craziness viewership will go way down.
Logano is a lucky SOB.

Really lucky. If not for that caution he might have been a lap down.
C'mon Lucky Dog for Johnson, c'mon Lucky Dog for Johnson.
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