Let's get some things straight


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
Rubbins was not banned.

Budcat was banned. Fly boy was banned.

Rubbins was not banned.

Rubbins was not banned.
Why does anyone think Rubbins is banned? Maybe he's just on vacation or something. :confused:
I think rubbins went voluntarily........he and budcat had a thing going!!:)
Because when Budcat got banned she went and gathered up her friends and told them all this crap to make them leave with her.

She told all these people that I banned him so that they would think I was a jerk. He is not, was not and never will be banned.

Budcat was just a mean-spirited person and showed her true colors.

So again...Rubbins is not banned.
OK Paul, not to start anything, but I understand about budcat altho I disagree that she is mean spirited, just feisty. Yes she did email me and I shared that with you and you asked me to back off which I did.
I have a fun thing with rubbins, laurelin, jermer and even flyboy (who by the way told me he was out for 30 days only, and I do know how to slap him silly thru PM and personal email).

Why did you have to even bring this up??? Trying to get ME riled up and show claws???

Why do I have to bring it up? Because I'm tired of getting emails from people asking me why I banned Rubbins.

And I'm not sure how you think this is directed at you personally. I think you need to relax.
Paul.........your fretting!! We all from TR know Budcat and flyboy well. So don't feel bad. And for rubbins.....he will follow and believe whoever he wants. I'm afraid in this case it was Budcat. Not many of us miss any of them, really.
Where the heck did these people go, anyway? I never see any of them on TR.
Thanks DE, but I'm getting tired of the gossiping and the emails, "he said that she said that he said that you banned Rubbins. Why did you ban Rubbins? You're an a**hole for banning Rubbins."
Originally posted by paul
Thanks DE, but I'm getting tired of the gossiping and the emails, "he said that she said that he said that you banned Rubbins.  Why did you ban Rubbins?  You're an a**hole for banning Rubbins."

Sometimes I like being an a**hole.........Kat is a nice girl and she and Budcat got along great. But, time to let it go........Budcat is gone and I don't miss her at all. And.........Kat, you know where she is. Go chat with her.........hope you don't leave us though.:)
You're probably right, Paul. Just feel like I'm missing out on some action!

:2gunsfiri :sniper: :chainsaw:
kids, kids. take a deep breathe. huuuhhh, huuuuuuuuuh, ok now lets enjoy the rest of our time together.:D
Originally posted by judas1
kids, kids. take a deep breathe. huuuhhh, huuuuuuuuuh, ok now lets enjoy the rest of our time together.:D

The kat took a deep breath, sighs, thanks Judas:lovewow: and says


The meow is for ??, Hiss is pissed and HIZZZZZZ is REALLY PIZZED:p

again, Thanks judas PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Kat:waver::itslove:
dammit Paul, with all this moderation, im running out of people to raise hell and scream profanity at. :D :p :)
Originally posted by paul
Rubbins was not banned.

Budcat was banned.  Fly boy was banned.

Rubbins was not banned.

Rubbins was not banned.
BTW, i have a question, so this means Rubbins wasn't banned??..:)
What??Rubbins wasn't banned??Now you tell me!lol....no seriously,sometimes @#$% happens.The rest of us seem to be doing just fine without 'em anyway!
So Paul, looks like yer a Big Dog here.

Well al I got to say is that there's a new kid in town and you either move move that ol piece of junk you drive up in to the high line or I'll be slammin it in to the wall next time we get to turn one.

btw, how do I contact yer boss here at Racing-Forums? I've never like dealing with middle management types, and refuse to take no for an answer from folks that are not empowered to tell me yes.

Paul is the boss. He is the only one who has the keys to the front door.

Unless ofcourse...there is a Mrs. Paul.....then well .....you know who the boss really is.
Like he's the owner? I want to know who owns this joint. I figure moderators etc are just wannabees.:p
Like, yes he IS the owner, creator, head cook and bottle washer.

The mods are appointed for their level headedness, maturity, and posting experience at this board. They know how paul feels about things, and what he allows on HIS board.

Your thread over on the NASCAR board was probably closed because it was a non NASCAR thread. Just sit back and lurk for a while if you are undecided about staying here. This is a fairly tightly run ship, it may not be your cup of tea.
Damn, a grand total of 8 posts and he's already upset at what goes on here and he wants to talk to HMFIC?

I'd take gmc's advice and watch what goes on for a while. Your thread was closed as gmc said...it was on the NASCAR chat board. Paul has posted post after post as far as keeping which post under what subject...NASCAR stuff goes under NASCAR, general talk goes under the Chrome Horn. No one holds it against newbies ( at least I would think they don't) that post under the wrong spot. But then again, maybe they should look around some before posting.......and complaining.

Chill out some 71. Its nice to have a Marcus fan on board. Most everyone here is a Jr, Stewart, Gordon, Jarrett, or other "popular" driver. I missed Dave in his prime and I'm sure you have some cool stories to talk about. Hang out and get to know us.

First round is on me.....:beerchug:
I'm surprised 71Fan hasn't been banned already. ;)

Just kidding, Paul!!!!
I understand that he might be a little upset. I was the one that closed his thread.

When I saw it there, I was debating on whether or not to move it. I decided not to and pressed the wrong option, closing it. I really didn't mean to close it and was just going to leave it there, not even moving it.

So I understand that he was a bit upset, if my first post at a board was closed I wouldn't be too happy either.

I've apologized to him in private and I'll apologize here. I hope he understands that it was a mistake.
sorry i didnt feel like readin all the post who all got banned-----were they bashin drivers or something?
Originally posted by ghettozoe03
sorry i didnt feel like readin all the post who all got banned-----were they bashin drivers or something?

Not really, just that Paul (and I don't really blame him) was pizzed about all the emails he was getting about "why was so and so banned".

He is cool, and the forum is GREAT!!

When it was only one person that got banned anyway.

Well, one person not counting Flyboy. :)
Now im confused....Zoe banned or not? (probably a really stupid question)
Originally posted by fergy1370
Paul, why did you ban Zoe??
:D ;)

Good God, fergy,,,, what even makes you think Zoe is banned:confused:

She just asked a simple question and has never caused any controversy.
Originally posted by paul

I've apologized to him in private and I'll apologize here.  I hope he understands that it was a mistake.

Certainly appreciate (and accept) the apology Paul. Takes a big man to do such things. Good on ya.

So let me also apologize to you for causing our misunderstanding in the first place. I sometimes forget that we are dealing with written words in a world where (according to communications specialist) 90 percent of all communication is non-verbal.

As the owner/operator of more than a few email list over the years (message boards are really rather new) I understand the need to ban folks. I have done so myself (twice, one a spammer and another time out of spite). It is not an easy thing to do. It was the time I did it out of spite that taught me the greatest lesson (about who I am and my actions) I have ever learned on the net.
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