Let's get some things straight

Thanks. Mostly needed to acknowledge the apology more than anything else.
I'm glad you've accepted it. I've banned a few more than 2 people. Mostly out of knee jerk reactions to what, I viewed, as threats to something on which I've worked very hard. This has happened over the past day or two as well, and we're in the process of trying to work through the usual spitefull, vindictive crap that happens when people are shown the door.

Every other racing message board I've seen is full of trolls, fighting and complete nonsense. I run a tight ship, as breadtruck noted, because this place will never be like those other places.

That pisses alot of people off, perhaps even pisses people off that would make great members. But it only takes one bad apple.

I've been on the net since there was no WWW, since the only way to communicate was to dial in on my 14.4 and post articles to Usenet. So my idea about free speech on the internet is pretty solid. I believe that my ideas of free speech are no different than if I were to walk into someone's house, I would respect their wishes on what can and cannot take place. And I expect the same respect from my guests. The false sense of anonymity that posting from behind a computer monitor gives to some people makes for a bad time. None of this is directed at you, by the way...it's mostly directed at the few trolls that have been banned from here recently.

So, you're free to pull up your soapbox and preach about any and every topic you're heart desires. That's what the Internet is for. You're free to express your opinion, even if it's unpopular. What will not be allowed, is the spiteful attack on your and your opinion by someone without half the brain to construct their own worldview - thereby taking their frustrations out on you.

Personal attacks are where the line is drawn, and I think that that's known by pretty much all of the regulars here. I've gotten into many arguments with some of the veterans here, only to share a laugh with them moments later in a separate, unrealted thread.

So just to reinforce that your right to speak freely here is valued and will be protected by myself and the moderators...and even a few of the veterans.

Let's chalk this up to my frustrations at events that have gone on here before your arrival. I'm glad you understand.
to ALL of yall i was not banned----zoe was just away on a camp retreat for a week
Paul...Those of us who have had sites like TR ruined by morons who have no restraint (and no moderators to instiil it) would not have it any other way.:) :) :)
Roger Ramjet on the one bad apple stuff. And considering the animosity that is prevelant right after an unhooking I can understand a bit better your reaction to my first few laps around the track here. Don't expect me to settle down (much) cause if I had my way the Winston Cup circuit would include at least two Figure Eight tracks with Chain Races. Stock Car Racing is NOT a gentleman's sport and it saddens me to see the santioning bodies trying to make it one. If it's a show you want, try Broadway.

I've only been on the net about 8 years so usenet is before my time but being the boots and all kinda guy I am I've found it best to cut to the chase. You'll not find me flaming by inuendo. Like my hero's, I'll race folks clean till they get dirty or won't get out of the way.

But I'll not use terms like "some people" when it's time for a bit of bump and bang down the backstretch the likes of Jimmy Spencer got nothin on me. I believe the flame by inuendo does more to harm internet communities than any other activity.

I consider myself to be a Kung Fu Master http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame22.html in the world of Flame Warriors and have very little time to spend argueing with the misdirected and uniformed. I would much rather be happy than right any day of the week.

And btw Paul, this would be you http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame79.html and as you can see I haven't quite figured out the url stuff here. oh well, life goes on.:D
But I'll not use terms like "some people" when it's time for a bit of bump and bang down the backstretch the likes of Jimmy Spencer got nothin on me. I believe the flame by inuendo does more to harm internet communities than any other activity.

71fan, I agree that innuendo like that can have negative results for paranoid or sensitive posters (such as myself at times). But in keeping with the spirit of this board, I would suggest sending someone a pm first before calling them out angrily in public.

Yea, turning peaceful places in to war zones is never a good idea. Take it private has long been the call on the net.

I've been to wide open flamefest and I've been to tight ships. One email group I run (the only rule is "Be Nice and Share Your Toys") is so calm it is silly. Folks have shown up and gone nutso but the level of experience is such that hardly ever is the bait taken. And if there is a vebal misunderstanding (easy to have on the net) letting it run it's course is has worked well enuf.

The funniest thing about flamefest on the net imo are the jumper-inners and the peacemakers. If Bill and Joe are having a go (unless they are just total jerks to begin with) from what I've seen it usually works itself out while the jumper-inners carry it on forever. Folks always seem to want to take sides. Joe's right, Bill's right.....and to me it's like who cares?

Besides, I've got an Aluminum Foil Beanie (worn shiny side out) and a drawer full of flameproof undies. I've landed upside down against the wall the so many times I'm surprised I'm even still alive. Have withstood threats of violence, and understand that whacko's with keyboards should ALWAYS be taken seriously.

Not rising to the bait is imo the very best non-action. It's kinda like I have no idea how big your gun collection is and I really have no desire to find out.:D
LOL...spot on.

I like to think we're somewhere in between totally mundane and complete mayhem. Sometimes threads get really heated, and I love it when they do. And when it gets out of hand (usually by someone going ad hominem) that person is usually warned (in private) to just try and have a little more fun. Like I was saying, we just went through this over the past week with a few people...they never got the picture and were "voted off the island". They've been causing quite a stir and all they end up doing is proving to everyone that we were right about them to begin with. :)

Also, nothing that goes on here as far as that is concerned is based on strictly my opinion of who is causing trouble. There are mods here that I constantly get advice from.
wow, a soap on racing-forums.
just when you think you know all there is about something
Heh, happens every so often Judas. Trolls come and go...but the quality members stay and the place is better for it. :)
May sound dumb, but can you define troll? Is it someone who just lurks and never posts or posts only sometimes?

I like how this forum is run and hope it stays this way!!:)
An Internet "troll" is a person who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset people.

Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game. For some reason, they don't "get" that they are hurting real people. To them, other Internet users are not quite human but are a kind of digital abstraction. As a result, they feel no sorrow whatsoever for the pain they inflict. Indeed, the greater the suffering they cause, the greater their 'achievement' (as they see it). At the moment, the relative anonymity of the net allows trolls to flourish.

Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.

Perhaps this sounds inconceivable. You may think, "Surely there is something I can write that will change them." But a true troll can not be changed by mere words.
Originally posted by kat2220

The kat took a deep breath, sighs, thanks Judas:lovewow: and says  


The meow is for ??, Hiss is pissed and HIZZZZZZ is REALLY PIZZED:p  

again, Thanks judas PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Kat:waver::itslove:

The pleasure is all mine:D
Thanks for the info Hardscrabble, I like being informed so I don't committ the Troll sin!:)
troll just sounds like something not nice. unless of course its on barney:p that one was turned into a nice troll.

i have a 5,4 & 2 year old:p

SGB, you're a pleasure to have around here. Don't worry about it.

If ya don't know what a troll is, you're nowhere near being one. :):)
ok ya'll just dont mess up like i did. and you will be ok. like spam and or piss paul off. been down that road and relly dont want to go back down it again.
Thanks Paul, I love this board! I don't know all the tech. stuff about Nascar, but with Hardscrabble I should learn more. :) Just like to talk to other people about the sport and their different views. Like the ways the board is controlled and wouldn't change a thing. (Well might change Spencer's look, but we all can't be happy!)
Originally posted by sgbg88
Thanks Paul, I love this board!  I don't know all the tech. stuff about Nascar, but with Hardscrabble I should learn more.  :) Just like to talk to other people about the sport and their different views.  Like the ways the board is controlled and wouldn't change a thing. (Well might change Spencer's look, but we all can't be happy!)

Man, just can't leave ole Jimmy out of it can you sgbg?:ROFLMFAO:
Well Paul the 2 you banned were part of the reason I left TR. You run a good ship here and I for one appreciate it!
Hey, when you don't have it, you don't have it. And let me tell you Spencer doesn't have it, will never have it and probably has never had it. (The Looks)
I may leave him alone for awhile, been researching and found some good quotes. Here's one.

FX was asked what happened to the "O". They replied Jimmy Spencer thought it was a doughnut and ate it. Later on Jimmy came on the screen eating a doughnut and said, "Jimmy Spencer never forgets to eat!" Now that is classic Spencer. I'll share some more in the future.

I have been eyeing Todd "Total'em" Bodine for a while. He should give me plenty of material to work with.:p Have to spread the love around!:D :jumping:
Hey sgbg88 ,
I appreciate the good work, keep it up. I look forward to reading more.
Originally posted by Lap3Forever
ok ya'll just dont mess up like i did. and you will be ok. like spam and or piss paul off. been down that road and relly dont want to go back down it again.

Yep Lap3 I learned that the hard way too. DONT SPAM, and DONT PISS OFF PAUL is all you need to know.
Awesome Bill, you pissed off everyone as well.

Should I poll the audience?
Man I missed all of the excitement. Glad to see we're missing some folks though, they were the reason I stopped coming by a few weeks ago.
Some people loose focus,and some don't.If its your house you make the rules.Some agree,some don't:)
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