Life has changed in the past year



A year ago today, I woke up, as usual and prepared to go to work. It was my 10th wedding anniversery, and although my husband and I both had to work, we had planned on celebrating the following weekend. All was grand in my little world. I was working, earning a living, had a good family life, the world was not at peace, but when has it ever been? All of the wars, violence, and terriorst attacks were far far away, and it seemed would never touch my little corner of these WV hills... or so it seemed. When I first saw on TV at work the attacks, I called my husband and woke him. He thought it was a joke at first. Then he called me back, and all he could say was "This is big!" We talked by phone several times that day, and he went on to his evening job, and I came home. My daughter (9 at the time) was at her grandmother's when I picked her up. We were both in tears by the time we embraced. We sat all evening just watching the news, not knowing what was going to happen next. For the next few days, we were all in a daze. Trivial things, like, are they going to race this weekend?, and such, didn't matter. As I think back on the direction this country, and my personal life has taken in the last year, I have to say, that so much has changed, yet it will never be the same. The world in not at peace still. I have learned that the things that happen to "other" people, can and do happen to all of us. My husband and I still are working, making a good living. We have a roof over our heads, a nice home, with plenty of food on the table and some luxuries. My family is happy and healthy. I have a 10 year old daughter that is a joy. My marriage is in better shape than it has been in years.
I am in the best physical shape that I have ever been. All is quiet in my little nest here in the hills....but I know now, that I am not safe. It still lurks in the back of my mind, as it does all of ours.
I have a new-found respect for heroes. Not heroes that wear racing uniforms, football pads, or wear basketball shoes. Real heroes that wear a fireman's suit, or a policeman's badge, or drive an emergency services vehicle, or wear a Marine's proud green. Real heroes that commit acts of courage every day. I will never take these people for granted again. We should all be thankful that our soldiers are thousands of miles away, defending the freedoms that we all have taken for granted. Freedoms such as going to the grocery store, watching my daughter in her first year of cheerleading, buying $89 Bristol Night Race tickets, or being able to say "I don't agree with what the governor says".
We live in the best country in this world, in my opinion. I think after all of the events in the past year, we should all be grateful of that. When you attend a sporting event, sing along with the National Anthem. Place your hand over your heart. That flag should mean something to you. I know that it does to me. Be more tolerant of your fellow man. I know that I have become a better person in the last year. I have tried to get my priorities straight, such as spending more time with my family, and concentrating on things that matter. Things like, helping my daughter fix her hair, or baking a cake on Sunday afternoons while I watch the race. We only have one life, and let's all live it to the fullest. Don't let terriorists take that away.
Thanks Royal Orange for reminding us of who "Real Heros" truly are.
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