Locking lug nuts

Charlie Spencer

Road courses and short tracks.
Oct 17, 2012
Sunset Harbor NC
My nephew in FL is coming next week to buy my Mom's 2016 Honda CR-V. I took it to a newly opened Mavis (Hi Denny) nearby to have the oil changed, tires rotated, general safety inspection, generally make sure it will at least get back to FL. The tech came to the waiting room to ask if I had the socket for the locking nuts. We gave the car a full body cavity search but nothing. Mom in her advancing dementia probably tossed it when she was cleaning out the car. At least the tires have plenty of tread left so it isn't an immediate problem.

I made a note to have the damn things taken off Darling Bride's Mazda CX-5 and my Ford Maverick. I'm tired of them taking up space in the glove compartments. Who steals low-end original equipment wheels? Who'd pay for them; it's not like they're that much to replace at the dealer. Hell, you can probably get nicer wheels for less at a tire shop or customizer. I think the dealers just put the nuts on for the mark-up.

End of rant.
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