Lott #2

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Originally posted by mngopherguy
Okay fair enough. I also watched it and don't see it that way. Yes there were a couple questionable remarks, but I see it as Republicans twisting things around much like Lott's words being twisted by the democrats. and then the Republicans did use this for election. Again point being it goes both ways.

I don't remember any huge campaigns for any major Democrat's resignation. I remember them calling it for what it was, a disgusting display of political spin...pissing on the tombstone of a great politician.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
It does go both ways!!:) I won't defend a Republican (Bush encluded) should they do something against my beliefs. Problem is that it's the Democrates that almost always are the ones that are somewhere other than where I am on things political............hey, I'm guilty!! I'm a Republican.............I deserve minority status in this state (California)!!:ROFLMFAO:

I do the same thing with my driver.:D

:D :D :D
no I remember that I wasn't just talking about just you I said most includeing DE buckaroo and judas. You were all bringing up negative things about democrats but anytime someone broung something negative about republicans it was wrong.

Anyway its over with now.
Originally posted by paul
I don't remember any huge campaigns for any major Democrat's resignation. I remember them calling it for what it was, a disgusting display of political spin...pissing on the tombstone of a great politician.

Agreed no one called for a resignation. And I wasn't completely happy about the memorial myself. Whatever opinion you have on the service doesn't matter. The fact is the Republicans used it for election just like the democrats will use Lott. Thats all I'm really trying to get across.
Wrong smack.

You've been posting your junk about the GOP for days, I finally started a few threads about your precious democrats and you start to cry foul.

Don't hang with the big boys if your left ball hasn't dropped yet.
Originally posted by mngopherguy
Agreed no one called for a resignation. And I wasn't completely happy about the memorial myself. Whatever opinion you have on the service doesn't matter. The fact is the Republicans used it for election just like the democrats will use Lott. Thats all I'm really trying to get across.

That's the nature of politics............sad but true.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
That's the nature of politics............sad but true.

Again I agree with you (mental note quit doing that!) And its that kind of garbage that turns me off from either party.
I posted a thread about going to war with iraq and one statement a republican made that was all over the news. It was't even intended to be anything to do with all republicans just him. You come out and post everything you think clinton has done.
I start to cry foul??? lol as soon as I posted that first thread about lott you were whinning about democrats jumping on it.
I'm going to need advice from people that have argued with smack like this before. Will he ever end? Or do I need to walk away?
Originally posted by paul
Don't hang with the big boys if you left ball hasn't dropped yet.

I like that, Paul!! Never heard that before...........better than the "If you can't run with the big dogs, best stay on the porch"!!:ROFLMFAO:
Gopher, everyone who runs for office wants to better the country, only in their own way, hence the differences in the parties. There's a clear difference in ideas here and they are both about how to better the people of this country. One side differs with the other and they debate. Most of the time, it's done in a civil way on the hill, but sometimes, it gets spirited. However, things are said by supporters of both parties and these words are passed on and on and pretty soon a sterotype has been born, i.e. Republicans want to starve children. While you might not believe that, there are plenty of people in this country, and I wager that there are some here on this board that believe that, it simply is an ignorant statement. The same can be said about Democrats only want to kill unborn children. Too often, people don't use their own heads and think things out before they go off half ****ed. But just know this, there are people out there who job it is to pass these ideas on, to divide out country and it works. These people are good at what they do.
Originally posted by paul
I'm going to need advice from people that have argued with smack like this before. Will he ever end? Or do I need to walk away?

Don't take it seriously, Paul.............I have fun arguing with him! I don't get mad or upset. I know I'm not going to change his mind, and he's not going to change mine. At least I hope he knows that.:D
Paul, the first thing my step-mother always tells people is, I never argue politics or religion. As long as you don't bring either up, we'll get along fine. From that point on, things go rather smoothly in her house. :)
and about my precious democrats I didnt like clinton or gore. I have expressed that the whole way through. clinton did alot of dirty things when in office and when he was leaving he shouldnt have been voted in the second time. As for gore Im sick of his whineing and threats.

and yes DE I know that I dont mind argueing as long is doesnt personal.
Originally posted by buckaroo
Gopher, everyone who runs for office wants to better the country, only in their own way, hence the differences in the parties. There's a clear difference in ideas here and they are both about how to better the people of this country. One side differs with the other and they debate. Most of the time, it's done in a civil way on the hill, but sometimes, it gets spirited. However, things are said by supporters of both parties and these words are passed on and on and pretty soon a sterotype has been born, i.e. Republicans want to starve children. While you might not believe that, there are plenty of people in this country, and I wager that there are some here on this board that believe that, it simply is an ignorant statement. The same can be said about Democrats only want to kill unborn children. Too often, people don't use their own heads and think things out before they go off half ****ed. But just know this, there are people out there who job it is to pass these ideas on, to divide out country and it works. These people are good at what they do.

True. I do think people do have personal agenda's on both sides however. I trusted the guy, the only democrat I did btw. Met him a few times, only have nice things to say about him.
Originally posted by buckaroo
Paul, the first thing my step-mother always tells people is, I never argue politics or religion. As long as you don't bring either up, we'll get along fine. From that point on, things go rather smoothly in her house. :)

Very good point. But that wouldn't be any fun either :)
Originally posted by buckaroo
DE, does Cutie know yer dirty?

I was joking. I hope everyone knows that anyway. Then again DE did say in another post he was waiting for the floor to dry....... :D
Originally posted by buckaroo
Well I wasn't talking about cleanliness here. We're talking dirty mind!:)

Can't believe I missed that one :D
Regardless................I took my shower!!:D I smell better anyway...........my mind might still need a little touching up, though!!:) But, Cutie likes it that way.:D :D
Originally posted by paul
I'm going to need advice from people that have argued with smack like this before. Will he ever end? Or do I need to walk away?

Dude, you're gonna have to take a walk...you're aguing with someone who isn't even old enough to vote yet...
well, i think he debates/argues for the sake of being able to. if you look and think, he doesnt argue to prove a point or because he believes in something, accept for the racial stuff. So he will keep digging up bones and garbage from way off base groups to support which ever side he is defending. if you can defend without belief. i love the guy, dont get me wrong. this is jmo.;)
Put it this way if theres a subject brought up and everyones agreeing on it no ones talking for the other side or theres alot of people argueing with 1 or 2 people Ill usually step in even if I don't beleive in it.

Btw judas thanx and dito :p
OK, friends, I didn't mean to start such a huge debate, SORRY.

I normally don't discuss politics or religion, but Lott's comment really annoyed me. A lot of you have turned it into WWE:eek:

I thought he gave a really humble, sincere, honest apology in that press conference last nite.

IMHO, he should resign as Speaker, but not as a senator.

BTW, I am an Independant thinker and like myself for it!
Originally posted by smack500
Put it this way if theres a subject brought up and everyones agreeing on it no ones talking for the other side or theres alot of people argueing with 1 or 2 people  Ill usually step in even if I don't beleive in it.  

Btw judas thanx and dito :p

Sometimes I'm hung out there all by myself on things Jr, Spencer and Todd Bodine.........haven't seen you jump in on my side.:) Can I count on you in the future?:D
Okay, I'll concede on the Jr thing........but no one helps me out on Jimmy and Todd!! Donut and queball jokes don't count!:D I'm expecting smack to be on my side!!:ROFLMFAO:
Kat2220, I agree. Unfortunately Lott's comments could have been misinterpreted in the heat of the moment of showing respect for Thrumond, but unfortunately his track record does not reflect that as this is not the first time Lott has made questionable references to race.
One reason he is being dissed so badly is because the American voters hold our politicians to a higher standard than they themselves maintain. We, the American voter, investigate every single word spoken by the politicos and manipulate it as we see fit. Thus the Democrat vs. Republican debate on any issue.
Trent Lott cares about one thing, his stature in the U.S. Senate and secondly his district as witnessed by the pork barrrel that exist there as a result of his power.
He is dragging down the surrounding platform of the current administration with his ill-conceived comment and as such must resign as leader to maintain integrity within the party as a whole.
Whizzer, you hit the nail on the head!

Strom Thurmond himself has changed with the times, so why doesn't Lott?

Besides, try to name anyone in Congress or the Senate who doesn't have Pork Barrel issues tacked on to a Bill.

I still like to think my vote counts, but maybe I have become jaded in my senior years.
you have not been jaded, but too many people think that their voice doesnt count:( please dont go in that direction
Originally posted by judas1
you have not been jaded, but too many people think that their voice doesnt count:( please dont go in that direction

Isn't that the truth :( I bet 75% of my friends don't even vote. My better half is a republican but doesn't usually vote. I tell her VOTE.

Everyone on here has been screaming rights rights rights, well voting is your most important right. And I think 50% voting is a damn embarrasement.
I have only missed one election since I became old enough to vote. Even in those off years when it didn't seem like there was an election. My better half is a Dem and she always tries to get me to not vote. :) We like to think that we cancel each others vote, but she's voted for more of my guys than I have hers.
Originally posted by buckaroo
I have only missed one election since I became old enough to vote.  Even in those off years when it didn't seem like there was an election.  My better half is a Dem and she always tries to get me to not vote.  :)  We like to think that we cancel each others vote, but she's voted for more of my guys than I have hers.

LOL Buck. I try telling her she only votes Rep. because she's rich. Just good natured stuff. I'd rather have her vote opposite of me than not vote at all. :)
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