Mag's Racing Updates

definitely see a hendrick bias here.


Engine is in.





So, last night, the engine only had 1 cylinder head on it. Tonight, it's almost ready for Fire in the Hole.

One of our neighbors has been in China for 5 weeks, and got back on thursday. So yesterday he came over to see how the car was, and jusst saw the block on the stand (it didn't have the head on it yet). He said that hopefully we'd have it together by next week.

He came over again tonight, everything was hooked up and put in. He goes "Where did all the [low wage workers] go? There's no way you two did all that in one day!"

So now, 3 of our 4 neighbors are actually hoping that they wake up to the sound of a racecar. We are lucky that all our neighbors are car people!
We burped the water system for 20 minutes, and IT RUNS*!

*Fuel pump leaks, and it gets to 190 degrees in under 4 minutes from under 140 degrees

Video is on it's way to youtube now. We think the cooling system still has a bunch of air in it from somewhere.



So, we went back out at midnight to check the engine....

It was still hot to the touch It's absolutely full, there's no air bubbles left.

We've deduced that it's just too effing hot to run it. Even with all 3 garage doors open, the ceiling fan going, and the door to the back yard open, plus the fans and pump on the car, there's just not enough "cool air" to cool it down. Also, we have a magnefuel pump on it's way, to be delivered wednesday. Will be hard to say if we'll be able to make it to the wednesday night tune or not, though.
Only in a drag car, can you have too much brake.

We rolled the car out for a bath tonight, which obviously requires stopping the car on the downhill driveway. Just from a walking pace, it locked up all 4 tires at an instant stop. That can only bode good things for the top end of the track. Although somewhat unexpected, our friend that's 5 doors up the street (with a KK fathead on his garage wall, amongst other things you would find in a man-cave) said he was hanging out in his garage yesterday, and was able to hear the car. So we're kinda wondering how loud it actually is now. Our immediate neighbor's haven't complained, they're all motorheads. It's the extended neighbors that we aren't sure of. At least we're only running it for a few minutes at a time. It's definately good and crisp, it whapped up to 6000 RPM with ease.
Ran 5.95, 5.96, 5.95, 5.93 tonight.

Probably won't have time for a writeup until sunday, because we're gonna do a "check up" on the car, and probably head over to dallas raceway.

A 12 year old walked up to us, and thought we were a pro-mod. So I gave him one of my cards and dad signed the back of it. It was cute. said:
Aug 27, 2010- Just got in from Kennedale. Made 4 passes, all in the 5.94-5.96 range. We were hoping to be in the 5.70’s with the new engine combination. A few things aren’t to our liking, and could be contributing to lost speed. We will be taking the oil filter off tomorrow to check for metal, then may possibly head over to Crandall for the Automatic Pro-Mod show. Pictures are online HERE.







Went to Crandall last night. Car is deadly consistent. However, we found out that #7 has been weak. We changed plugs and oil yesterday before we left, and the #7 plug had no sign of life. After the plug change, #7 was marginal at best.

Either kennedale's clocks are fast, or Crandall's are slow. We ran 5.95, 5.96, 5.95, 5.93 at kennedale, and at Crandall in very similar air conditions, ran 6.00, 6.02, 6.02, 6.00, 6.02.


Pass 1:
RT: 0.145
60: 1.337
330: 3.843
660: 5.955 @ 114.01

Pass 2:
RT: 0.107
60: 1.334
330: 3.833
660: 5.941 @ 114.74

Pass 3:
RT: 0.039
60: 1.354
330: 3.852
660: 5.96 @ 114.54

Pass 4:
RT: 0.042
60: 1.332
330: 3.829
660: 5.933 @ 114.32

Pass 1:
RT: 0.006
60: 1.363
330: 3.879
660: 6.023 @ 114.34

Pass 2:
RT: 0.006
60: 1.359
330: 3.875
660: 6.015 @ 114.57

Pass 3:
RT: 0.002
60: 1.358
330: 3.876
660: 6.021 @ 114.16

Pass 4:
RT: -0.003
60: 1.352
330: 3.862
660: 6.004 @ 114.42

Pass 5:
RT: 0.019
60: 1.385
330: 3.906
660: 6.052 @ 114.26
So, we pulled the plugs and oil filter again. Oil isn't as clean as we would like, but it's [much] better after 5 runs, than the last batch was after 4.

We have a major issue somewhere. This time, all 8 plugs were carbon fouled. Did a leakdown on all 8, all of them were 5% or less and at about 160psi of rolling compression. So we know we don't have a dead hole. The Ignition is all new, so we can't see it having an issue.

That just leaves the intake and exhaust. Well, the headers are absolute garbage (the primaries range from 25 to 35", driver side collector is 12", passenger side collector is 8", and both are completely banged up and rusted through), and the carburetor is a stock dominator. So we've moved new headers to the top of the priority list, to be followed by carburetor.

Aftrer video review, we are going to go up 3 inches on the wheelie bars and let the car do it's own thing. We have deemed that it is pushing them to full compression at their current setting, causing the car to bounce the weight to the nose.

We've ordered a new custom-made carburetor from Pro-Systems (They built alot of the pro-stock carbs) as well as a new custom-built Torque convertor from FTI.

Additionally, we found out the entire rear suspension was way out fo tune, so we dialsed 2 flats into both ladder bars, and moved the shock mounts down 3/4 of an inch. This fixed our pinion & ladder bar angle issue, while lowering the CoG of the car, and helping to transmit more weight to the back tires. Also went up 7 turns on the wheelie bars to let the car do it's thing.

Gonna test on friday (A BUNCH of passes, probably), then run the bracket race on saturday, then the track's ALL OUT race on Sunday.
After making a slew of suspension adjustments this week, we're running all 3 nights this weekend. Tonight was a test for the suspension changes, tomorrow is a bracket race, and sunday is a pink-style all out race.

We learned alot today. We learned that CoG matters, Air pressures are giant variables, trans-brakes can slip, and that greasy tracks SUCK.

This morning, we went down another 3/4" on the shock mounts.

Pass 1: The track temps was 125 degrees. It blew the tires off. In the slo-mo, the tire wads up in the first half rotation, then spins completely around for a full rotation, before hooking back up. It ran a 5.961 at 114 and change.


Pass 2: The actual track temp under my feet was 133 degrees. Not sure where the 119 registered from. Ran a 5.963 at 115 and pennies. Didn't spin the tires as hard, although rotations 2 and 3 are slipping a little. It was hooked up at the top end though, first pass at 115.

Pass 3: Put simply, dad was trying to go in really shallow, and he actually was too shallow. The car rolled backwards when it went on the transbrake. He couldn't re-stage because the transbrake was still locked out when it quit rocking. They timed him out, so it was a wasted run. No clocks for our lane, and the other guy was a second and a quarter off his dial.

Pass 4: This was first round of bracket eliminations. We didn't know they used a "cross-talk" tree. Since dad's used to leaving on the top amber, the long first bulb messed up the delay box, and he went 0.357 second red. But, the other guy was leaving first, and he went .006 red. So the "First is worst" rule applied, and we moved onto the second round. The tire wadded up for the first 1/4 of a turn, but then the following 1.75 turns, it simply blew the tires off. Ran a 6.001 at 114 and change.

Between our first and second rounds, one of the super-pro cars (in their second round) threw a rod. So we had a good 45 minute downtime while they cleaned up oil from the 330 to the turnoff, and all the way back on the return road. This allowed the track to gain shade, and the track temp dropped from the 120's and 130's down to 96.

Pass 5: With the changed conditions, we had no idea what to pick for our dial-in. We'd ran 94's and 95's at night, but because we had been spinning the tires all day, we chose to dial at a 96, and go down to 8.3 psi (normally 8.5). The good news: the dropped PSI and better conditions made us go faster, and we didn't spin the tires. Bad news: We broke out by a full .01 of a second, with dad DUMPING at the speed trap. It would have easily been a 92 or 93 had he stayed in it. Result was a 5.951 at 110 and change. In the slo-mo, you can see that it briefly slapped the wheelie bars (which are at 8.25" at rest, but point down under launch), spun the tires at the first full rotation, carried the front tires about 10-15 feet, and actually left on the bottom amber. It was recorded as a .017 light.

It'd 1AM after a triple header. Anyone expecting a race report, is crazy.

We made it to the semi finals (All Out 4). 2 Time Trials, 2 Qualifying runs, then 3 rounds of racing.

Dad red-lit in the semi's, that's why we lost. Went over to congratulate the mustang, he said he had a .002 light. So if we would have left on a good light, it would have been a really close race at the top end.

That said, the people at Kennedale make NASCAR look like geniuses. Going through the gates, they gave us one set of rules. That in first round of qualifying, they changed the rules. Then in first round, they changed the rules again. The event operator's quote was "This isn't grudge racing, this isn't bracket racing, it's just something in the middle that we came up with that makes it work."
But it looks kinda naked, if you know what I mean.

Yea- no decals, no BS, no nothin. Got the car number on both doors, and dad's name on driver side, that's it. That's how we like it- keepin it simple.

When we made it to the 8, we had a bunch of people start coming around asking what we were hiding. After that win, we had that many more people. Everybody think's we're a slow pro-mod because of the huge wing. I was having a hard time running around everybody, trying to run the weather station and do the tires.

Keep in mind, we're still down on horsepower. We bumped the timing to 40 degrees and got it to run a little better, but the new carb should be here wednesday, and new convertor on friday.

Right now, it's sitting in the garage with literally no rear suspension. axle is on jackstands, body is on the jack.

We went up 200 RPM on the burnout chip, and it made a big difference, obviously. Was 6000 RPM, went to 6200 RPM. Dad said the shift light (6900RPM) is coming on when he lets go of the line-lock.
As it sits. The axle is on jackstands, and the body is being held up via the tail-bar, on top of a jack-stand, on top of the jack.

The shocks were bottoming out real bad. So we went up 1.5" on the coil springs, and down 1.5" on the shock mounts. So now we're chop-cut-rebuilding the wheelie-bar and shock combination mounts, to drop the shocks another 3/4". The lowered CoG is making a big difference. The silver bars are the wheelie-bar upper's, we have the lowers off the car so we can modify the mounts.



You must be happy with the gear ratio. Why no 9" diff?


The D60 is what it had when we bought it, no reason to change. We aren't making 4 digits of power, so no reason to swap to a 9. That said, i forget what outers it has on it, but they aren't D60. I think they were oldsmobile or something, i don't remember. we found out when we did the rear disk brake conversion and noticed it was a non-standard bolt pattern on the backing plate.
Most guys like the 9" not only because they are strong, but because you can change the ratio by swapping out the center section in about 45 mins.
45 minutes? You stop for a sammich and a beer?:beerbang:

No doubt the ford 9 is strong and 'relatively' quick to change out. Why GM doesn't change is beyond me. Sometimes ran 3 different tracks and we swapped out complete rear ends and sometimes even the trans to get us into the rpm range we wanted. MAJOR PITA!!!
No real need to swap gears in drag racing, though. no sense in putting $$ to replace what works.
Broke the flywheel today. Trans coming out tomorrow, convertor back to FTI on monday, order new flywheel on monday, get new convertor wednesday and flywheel thursday, go racing next saturday.
Broke the flywheel today. Trans coming out tomorrow, convertor back to FTI on monday, order new flywheel on monday, get new convertor wednesday and flywheel thursday, go racing next saturday.

Hard to go rounds when you can't start the car...


Where did you find the extra bite at off the line at?Looks like it's carrying the front wheels longer.Was it the cooler temps today?
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