Malaysian Air


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
Hearing reports that a Malaysian Air commercial airliner has been shot down over the Ukraine with 295 passengers aboard. :eek:
Lots of finger pointing will be starting shortly. 295 on board.
I've got an Ukrainian that works in the office with me, very bright level headed guy. He's actually got Master's Degree from the University of Alabama. He's swearing up and down this is something that Russia did.

We'll see.....
Ten minutes after crash Terrorists write in FB that they shoot ukrainian AN-26.

I give u translate.
Summaries of the Strelkov Igor Ivanovich 17.07.2014 17:50 (MSK) Message "In the area Torrez just downed plane An-26, lying somewhere in the mine " Progress ". Warned same - not to fly in "our sky." And here is the confirmation of the next video "Bird is fly down" Birdie fell for waste heap, residential sector is not caught. Peaceful people are not affected. and also have information about the second downed aircraft, like the SU. "

After that (30 minutes) when they understand what they did - they delete this post.

7 Hours before plane was attacked - they moved BUK (This BUK was stolen in UA army)

BUK was stolen 29 June
Proof screen DNR terrorist account

UA army do not use BUK in this area never, because DNR does not have planes.

Any way - waiting for officials reports.

23 Americans die… RIP.
This is so freaking tragic. And now Russia and Ukraine are just pointing fingers at each other.
Meanwhile, Israeli military says it has just launched ground operation in Gaza Strip.
Rebel leader says they shot down the civilian airliner because they thought " was an Antonov AN-26 military plane."
An AN-26 is a 78 ft. long, twin-engine turbo-prop airplane.
A Boeing 777-200ER is a 209 ft. long, twin-engine jet airliner.
Someone is either deaf & blind or completely full of ****t.
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I've got an Ukrainian that works in the office with me, very bright level headed guy. He's actually got Master's Degree from the University of Alabama. He's swearing up and down this is something that Russia did.

We'll see.....
i't doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out
How does someone that (I assume) has military training mistake a 777 for a 30+ yr. old turbo-prop?
The 777 is a jet that is twice the size of the AN26.
How does someone that (I assume) has military training mistake a 777 for a 30+ yr. old turbo-prop?
The 777 is a jet that is twice the size of the AN26.
Yeah absolutely I looked up the AN -26 and they are like a dash 8 basically.
I thought they meant an Antonov freighter. Which is huge.
Not sure if we'll ever get a straight answer or really know the facts.
I've also heard speculation that Putin's aircraft was somewhere in the area and has a similar paint scheme as MH17. The rumors and theories abound.
Incredible crash photos on TV. Wreckage is supposedly strewn for 10 miles.
Reports say that earlier in the week U.S. intelligence had determined that two Ukrainian planes had been shot down in the area.
One theory says that a Ukrainian military aircraft in the same area was the intended target but the missile locked on to MH17 instead. This theory makes a little bit of sense.
One theory says that a Ukrainian military aircraft in the same area was the intended target but the missile locked on to MH17 instead. This theory makes a little bit of sense.

The Russian military is definitely directly involved in this. There's no way there giving rebels this kind of equipment and trusting them with it so close to Russian airspace. I bet it turns out that the Russians set up a relatively rudimentary air defense system that lacked the normal interconnectivity of a sophisticated system in order to keep their finger prints off of being directly responsible for shooting down Ukrainian military aircraft. I bet this almost certainly wasn't done by rebels, but by Russian military operating with a system that was just less sophisticated to mask their involvement in the overall Ukrainian fighting.
The Russian military is definitely directly involved in this. There's no way there giving rebels this kind of equipment and trusting them with it so close to Russian airspace. I bet it turns out that the Russians set up a relatively rudimentary air defense system that lacked the normal interconnectivity of a sophisticated system in order to keep their finger prints off of being directly responsible for shooting down Ukrainian military aircraft. I bet this almost certainly wasn't done by rebels, but by Russian military operating with a system that was just less sophisticated to mask their involvement in the overall Ukrainian fighting.
Regardless whether separatist rebels pulled the trigger or not, Putin's hands are soiled with the blood of innocent civilians.
The Russian military is definitely directly involved in this. There's no way there giving rebels this kind of equipment and trusting them with it so close to Russian airspace. I bet it turns out that the Russians set up a relatively rudimentary air defense system that lacked the normal interconnectivity of a sophisticated system in order to keep their finger prints off of being directly responsible for shooting down Ukrainian military aircraft. I bet this almost certainly wasn't done by rebels, but by Russian military operating with a system that was just less sophisticated to mask their involvement in the overall Ukrainian fighting.

Al Jazeera's done reports on the amount of training needed to use those things. There's no way Ukrainian separatists did this. This was all Putin, and it was probably deliberate.
I think the international community is going to pressure Russia into cooperating with the investigation.

They're not and neither are the separatists. Al Jazeera's been reporting this morning that the investigators got to the scene and were met by a bunch of guns in the hands of hostile people. And the black boxes are gone.

Russia won't cooperate because they did this.
The black boxes won't tell a thing. Flying along normally then BOOM, it's over.
Commercial aircraft do not have any type of warning system to detect a missile launch.
I've seen a number of posts on various forums all screaming that Obama is weak, needs to do something.
So I'll ask here too, what exactly should we do? Go to war? The sanctions won't do chit and the countries that demand on Russian oil and gas don't want to PO Russia.
btw, remember when MIGS shot down Korean Air? What did Reagan do? Stopped the Russian airline from flying into this country for a week..
"There’s no way for the president to avoid partisan criticism in the current political climate. But he might take some comfort from the experience of former President Ronald Reagan, the conservative icon who faced sharp words from fellow conservatives over his response to the Sept. 1, 1983, incident in which a Soviet fighter jet shot down a South Korean airliner with 269 people aboard — including a U.S. congressman — killing them all.
Reagan called that attack an “act of barbarism” and referred to it as the “Korean airline massacre.” He ordered Soviet airline Aeroflot’s U.S. operations to be shut down a week after the incident. His personal diary for Sept. 4, 1983, suggests that he took seriously a Republican senator’s suggestion that the United States retaliate against undercover Soviet operators.
“Strom Thurmond made a great suggestion,” Reagan wrote. “We know the whereabouts of many K.G.B. agents [redacted] were looking into the practicality of this [redacted] that would be shooting our selves in the foot.”
He also complained about sniping from his right flank.
"Short of going to war, what would they have us do?” he asked in a speech."
I've seen a number of posts on various forums all screaming that Obama is weak, needs to do something.
So I'll ask here too, what exactly should we do? Go to war? The sanctions won't do chit and the countries that demand on Russian oil and gas don't want to PO Russia.
btw, remember when MIGS shot down Korean Air? What did Reagan do? Stopped the Russian airline from flying into this country for a week..
"There’s no way for the president to avoid partisan criticism in the current political climate. But he might take some comfort from the experience of former President Ronald Reagan, the conservative icon who faced sharp words from fellow conservatives over his response to the Sept. 1, 1983, incident in which a Soviet fighter jet shot down a South Korean airliner with 269 people aboard — including a U.S. congressman — killing them all.
Reagan called that attack an “act of barbarism” and referred to it as the “Korean airline massacre.” He ordered Soviet airline Aeroflot’s U.S. operations to be shut down a week after the incident. His personal diary for Sept. 4, 1983, suggests that he took seriously a Republican senator’s suggestion that the United States retaliate against undercover Soviet operators.
“Strom Thurmond made a great suggestion,” Reagan wrote. “We know the whereabouts of many K.G.B. agents [redacted] were looking into the practicality of this [redacted] that would be shooting our selves in the foot.”
He also complained about sniping from his right flank.
"Short of going to war, what would they have us do?” he asked in a speech."

Good points.
I read a Vainty Fair article about Reagan meeting with Nixon in 1987. Nixon advised him not to work with Gorbachev.

Reagan did anyway and it was the right thing to do. We dont need another war and I think tough sanctions is for the best. The key imo is getting the EU to muscle up with the sanctions.

I really hate the political gamesmanship. A lot more is stake, and there are good people in Ukraine in Russia. Just a lot of crappie leadership. I want see Putin broken as much as anyone, but without a war.

I just want him pressured to get the hell of Ukraine and the Crimea.
Video of a BUK missle system leaving the area with 1 missle missing on tv earlier.
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