Michael Jackson

So then

I'm not a fan but like his music or not you can't deny how big he was, up there with Elvis and the Beatles. Even though he hasn't made an album in years he was still really popular, i'm sure you guys saw on tv that he had 50 concerts in London that were completely sold out within a few hours of going on sale. About the pedophile thing, I don't think he did it. He was a really wierd guy that liked hanging out with kids too much but I think that he was just an easy target for $$$. He was only accused, you are innocent til proven guilty.

O.J. was innocent? Perhaps the presumption of innocence is in the law but if one is guilty one is guilty!! Presumption or not guilt is guilt.
I'm not a fan but like his music or not you can't deny how big he was, up there with Elvis and the Beatles. Even though he hasn't made an album in years he was still really popular, i'm sure you guys saw on tv that he had 50 concerts in London that were completely sold out within a few hours of going on sale. About the pedophile thing, I don't think he did it. He was a really wierd guy that liked hanging out with kids too much but I think that he was just an easy target for $$$. He was only accused, you are innocent til proven guilty.

I don't think MJ is guilty either.
Would they just bury him! I'm sick of MJ TV, all micheal, all the time!

Cheese & Crackers, I don't care, nice guy/bad guy, in or out of debt, druggy or not, what's in his will, HE"S DEAD! Bury him and move on.
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