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Good Post CT
Those same dogs that are fighting each other are used to fight wild hogs.. I have seen photos of them with their guts hanging out from the tusks of the hogs... NOBODY is talking against using their fighting ability for these reasons.. Yet just one dog fighter comes to light and WOW! Suddenly people come out of the woodwork saying how terrible dog fighting is.
Some of us need to get a grip on who us humans are. We have spent millions to save snail darters and other unknown creatures.. Does it really matter? Animals have been going extinct for one reason or another for all time...
And since humans have had fire they have used animals for protection.. Elsewise why do we have wolves bred into dogs?
Those same dogs that are fighting each other are used to fight wild hogs.. I have seen photos of them with their guts hanging out from the tusks of the hogs... NOBODY is talking against using their fighting ability for these reasons.. Yet just one dog fighter comes to light and WOW! Suddenly people come out of the woodwork saying how terrible dog fighting is.
Some of us need to get a grip on who us humans are. We have spent millions to save snail darters and other unknown creatures.. Does it really matter? Animals have been going extinct for one reason or another for all time...
And since humans have had fire they have used animals for protection.. Elsewise why do we have wolves bred into dogs?
The whole cruelty debate is a tough one & everyone has their own take. I personally love to hunt. Ducks are my favorite because I love to eat them. I cannot buy duck in the store, so I kill them myself. I do,however, try my best to kill them in the most ethical & fastest way possible. At the same time, if I were to stumble upon an injured duck in the marsh, my first instinct would not be to kill it, but to help it. Kinda weird, I guess. Now to the dog thing...I've personally had a pit jump a fence in an open garage & charge me. I ducked into some bushes around the corner & he flew by & ran down the block looking for me. Lucky fo me..I would have been bitten & someone's pet would have died for no reason as I already had the knife in hand. I also am friends with people who use pits as grab dogs when hunting hogs. They are used only as a tool to hold the hog until it's dispatched by a knife.Is this cruel to the hog??...probably, because it is being bitten(however,it dies by knife faster than if shot) the pit??...probably, simply because it won't live the pampered life of some other dogs. Then again, that is how society is in depends where/to whom you were born sometimes. I just can't lump all hunting & animal cruelty into the same category.At this point, I may not be making any point, except that I think that Vick & the others that tortured the dogs & killed them unethically are cowards & should pay.I think they will in prison.....what inmate wouldn't want to sleep with a real life celebrity ??