NASCAR 2011 - The Game - Reviews/Thoughts


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
Today's the release of the first NASCAR video game since the end of the EA Sports era. Did any of you get this new game today? Any plans to? How does it look/play? Post some reviews of this game if/when you get a chance. I can't get my copy until after work today. My son is really looking forward to playing this game as soon as I bring it home. Silly kid! This one belongs to his dad.
Today's the release of the first NASCAR video game since the end of the EA Sports era. Did any of you get this new game today? Any plans to? How does it look/play? Post some reviews of this game if/when you get a chance. I can't get my copy until after work today. My son is really looking forward to playing this game as soon as I bring it home. Silly kid! This one belongs to his dad.

Since it's not available for PC, I won't be getting it. All we have is a Wii and it's not a HD game system. I wouldn't waste my money on any game that looks good in HD for the Wii. I'll just keep upgrading my NR2003 game.
I'm kinda bummed, i was going to go pick it up after work but just read its not out on the Wii until May 24th.

Another 2 months!
I'm kinda bummed, i was going to go pick it up after work but just read its not out on the Wii until May 24th.

Another 2 months!

Ouch! Not very good marketing of the game IMO.

I've been reading some reviews over @ the 'NASCAR The Game 2011' forum. Responses are mixed. I'm not seeing anyone over there that has made a comparison to NR2003 which has me a little concerned. I really liked that sim and had hoped that this game would be along that line and less of an arcade feel. I'll be picking it up in about another hour or so but I'm not going to be able to play it until tonight. I'll give you an honest review for the PS3 when I get a chance to try it. I'll let you know if you're missing anything.
Ouch! Not very good marketing of the game IMO.

I've been reading some reviews over @ the 'NASCAR The Game 2011' forum. Responses are mixed. I'm not seeing anyone over there that has made a comparison to NR2003 which has me a little concerned. I really liked that sim and had hoped that this game would be along that line and less of an arcade feel. I'll be picking it up in about another hour or so but I'm not going to be able to play it until tonight. I'll give you an honest review for the PS3 when I get a chance to try it. I'll let you know if you're missing anything.

I purchased the first Nascar game for the PC that Sierra put out years ago, I was hooked on that game and purchased all of the PC games that followed. The Sim Nascar games were just flat out awesome. Once EA took over they really ruined the genre. I'm looking forward to seeing if this is more a sim feel or arcade. I'm hoping sim.
Ouch! Not very good marketing of the game IMO.

I've been reading some reviews over @ the 'NASCAR The Game 2011' forum. Responses are mixed. I'm not seeing anyone over there that has made a comparison to NR2003 which has me a little concerned. I really liked that sim and had hoped that this game would be along that line and less of an arcade feel. I'll be picking it up in about another hour or so but I'm not going to be able to play it until tonight. I'll give you an honest review for the PS3 when I get a chance to try it. I'll let you know if you're missing anything.

I look forward to your review, unless it's a must have I'll wait for the price to come down. If its immensely better than 09 I'll consider it. I'm also curious to know if all the drivers are in the game, there was a point where not everyone was going to be in it due to some sponsors and whatnot. Also, are the sponsors real like Budweiser, Miller etc.? I hated how the beers weren't ever in the EA game.
Since it's not available for PC, I won't be getting it. All we have is a Wii and it's not a HD game system. I wouldn't waste my money on any game that looks good in HD for the Wii. I'll just keep upgrading my NR2003 game.

Pretty much this, I do PC gaming.
I just picked up my reserved copy. I still not going to be home to play it for another 2 1/2 hrs yet. One disappointment in looking at the box is that the cars still have the splitter on them. I hear that they have already released a patch for the game. Maybe that is a fix? On the back of the box, the Miller Lite car is displayed although I doubt it's in the game. I only say that because it has an E/Everyone rating. The manual is only 10 pages or so and does not list the licensed drivers so I don't know which drivers are included. It is a 1-2 player game @ home. 2-16 players online. Each with a field of 43 cars. That's all I know for now.
Gonna go get it after class today for 360. My review will probably be good because I'm very accepting people who take the time to post on the games forum probably had way to high of expectations to begin with.
i have two major questions that if either one of you can answer after you play it that would be great.

1. can you paint cars and make customized cars like you could in the old PC games?

2. Can 2 players at home play online together with other people online, and is it free to play online?
Only thing I don't like about 2003 is that I can't customize the controls (on a keyboard) the way I want them. I've had a keyboard setup a certain way for years and years and years, can't use that setup in 2003.

I have 2003 and RFactor 1. iRacing is abhorrently expensive, I could run an entire SEASON in mini-mod or UCAR at Old Dominion for the same cost as an entire season of iRacing.
i have two major questions that if either one of you can answer after you play it that would be great.

1. can you paint cars and make customized cars like you could in the old PC games?

2. Can 2 players at home play online together with other people online, and is it free to play online?

1) appears that you can

2) Yes but you'd need Xbox live or the Playstation Network.

Just put the game in looking through the drivers they made some creative adjustments like why Jennifer Jo Cobb is here I don't know, also I'll need to go home and get online to get the updated 2011 schemes Kasey in the 9 feels wrong.
I wonder if you can do league play, you start a racing league and race online when you're scheduled to.
Problem I have I can't read the settings easily the prints small on my tv. Starting my first race I chose Kentucky for the heck of it.
Never played a NASCAR game that forced me to hit the brakes in easy mode
Not sure why they had Bill Elliott and Bobby Labonte in the top 5, its lap 5 I have moved from 43rd starting spot to 2nd...mostly cause I'm in easy mode just to learn how it works.
I wonder if you can do league play, you start a racing league and race online when you're scheduled to.

I did it with 09, me and a bunch of guys would just agree on a certain time and create a private room. I would assume that that's how you do it with this one.

Let us know if it's as setup sensitive like 09 was. Meaning that if you didn't have even a half way decent setup at Daytona you were toast. Couldn't even hang in the draft.
Ok I played as Kasey Kahne...after doing my victory donut it showed him on the roof of the car...he then did a
Ok I played as Kasey Kahne...after doing my victory donut it showed him on the roof of the car...he then did a

Uh oh, we may have a game that was not created by nascar fans. Even my wife knows only Edwards does the backflip and she hates NASCAR.

Everyone does a backflip don't they?
Uh oh, we may have a game that was not created by nascar fans. Even my wife knows only Edwards does the backflip and she hates NASCAR.

Everyone does a backflip don't they?

I guess I've only played 1 race so far with Kasey you only see it if you don't skip ahead through the celebration.

Running Daytona now drafting far more realistic then anything EA ever put out in 2 laps i can see that the cars stay bunched up more also caused a mini big one off 2.
I like the drafting they did it really well you just can't pull to the inside and blast past 10 cars, also bump drafting doesn't work in turn 3...
Finished 25th at Daytona after starting last never had to draft like this before, JJC somehow won Daytona.
Was running 5th coming to the trioval last lap at Talladega wrecked myself blocking Speed.
Didn't mess with that yet I just went into free race.

Well mess with it! :p That's always been one of my weak points whenever I try to play these kind of games. I just have no idea how to set up a car.
I want a game that's challenging, but not a hardcore simulator.

I just want a game where i have to race hard to win. In every EA game other than 04 even in legend mode I can just drive straight to the front. I have no idea why those games are so easy???
I just want a game where i have to race hard to win. In every EA game other than 04 even in legend mode I can just drive straight to the front. I have no idea why those games are so easy???

Once again proving, that EA makes ****ty games.
I just want a game where i have to race hard to win. In every EA game other than 04 even in legend mode I can just drive straight to the front. I have no idea why those games are so easy???

No doubt, I got so board with 09 that I did a season where I started last every race with damage on full. It made it more fun but I'd destroy my car at Bristol and Martinsville and have to be really carefull on the road cources but I still one the championship.
I always thought the road courses on EA's games were next to impossible. The car's responsiveness just wasnt good enough.
The thing I hate about EA games is that, in multiplayer, someone wrecks then, bam, they're running 230 mph at Dover.
I always thought the road courses on EA's games were next to impossible. The car's responsiveness just wasnt good enough.

I can tear up Watkins Glen in 09, with Sonoma I'd have to cheat and go off road in a few spots. I had some wicked setups though. I haven't touched the game in like 7 months so I probably can't do squat anymore.
First impressions after an hour of play.

This is nowhere close to the racing sim that NR2003 by Papy was. Still, it is waaaay better than EA Sports ever produced.

Two players cannot play online against other online players from the same console. Online is free for the PlayStation Network. For XBOX, you need to subscribe to XBOX Live for a monthly or yearly fee. I don't know what or if Wii charges for online play.

I tried a few, short races just to get a feel for how the car handles out of the box. It is pretty stable but I find it hard to drive with the controller. I think that a wheel is the only way to go. I am waiting on a UPS delivery Thursday for a new wheel to arrive for the PlayStation.

I started with the default setting on the AI. Drafting seems to come into play on any track a mile or more in length. Naturally more so on the restrictor plate tracks. This can be felt in the controller as well as seen visually on the screen. Something similar to a NASCAR televised real-time animation. It seemed way to easy to catch and pass competitors under this setting. I haven't tried the hard setting yet.

I only played a little bit so far with the setups. You could do a number of different changes and they do affect speed. It will take time to learn how all of the adjustments affect handling. I'm going to wait for the wheel to arrive before playing more with the setups.

I played a little with the paint shop. It definitely has possibilities. I'm just not that artistic. I didn't see a place yet where you could trade paint jobs with others online.

I started to mess with the career mode some. It started off @ Daytona in the Cup Series. I guess no starter series? At least not that I saw.

No beer cars. Example..... Harvick is in a Shell type paint job with Childress Racing as the sponsor. I guess this once again has something to do with the sale to minors.

I really, really like the Papy sim but even so, I'm not sorry I purchased this product. It has already surpassed EA Sports IMO the first time out. There are some bugs and little things that I don't like on this current version but hey, this is their first attempt. If they continue they have a good product to build on.

I'll let you know more as I dig into this thing. Thursday I plan on spending more time with the new wheel.
The damage on the EA games was a joke. You could be in a 10 car crash and flip upside down and then just keep right on going.

not really in 09 with damgae set to full. If you bump draft too hard at dega or daytona it would screw your speed up pretty bad. 09 was the only one I really ever liked though. I never finished a short track with damage on full either.
The damage on the EA games was a joke. You could be in a 10 car crash and flip upside down and then just keep right on going.

The EA games were a joke.

You could be driving along, as, say, Dale Junyer and you'd get turned for nothing to do by Jeff Gordon because he's a supposed "rival".
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