NASCAR almost stopped the race last night!

bumpzter said:
What's wrong with this picture? Hello! Should have watched INCR last night. The top dog of Goodyear Racing program said they monitored the tests and decided that their tires were just fine.

Hello! I have a life and can't watch everything. I catch it when I can. How do you explain the right rears went in testing and the right fronts went in the race. Different set ups, testing, in my opinion is not real racing conditions.
It's still Lowes fault. :p
I was under the impression that NASCAR simply told the teams that were running less than recommended pressures to increase them to what the tire engineers did recommend. If those teams chose to still ignore the recommendations, NASCAR might impose fines and other penilties.

Mikey said that when he was leading the race NASCAR forced him to pit to increase the pressure in his tires even tho he had had no problems previously with his tires. Now I can maybe see NASCAR mandating on the next stop raising the pressure but if they really had him pit to change the pressure then that is just wrong...
Didn't NASCAR have a competition yellow to bring the cars into the pits to check the tire pressures and wear?
When they do that, it is usually to address something the officials consider a safety issue.
boB said:
Didn't NASCAR have a competition yellow to bring the cars into the pits to check the tire pressures and wear?
When they do that, it is usually to address something the officials consider a safety issue.
boB, when they throw a competition caution, do they require everyone to pit, or is that still up the to teams? I would think that pitting is still something the teams have to decide on, but of course, they still have to deal with NASCAR.
As I recall (and I'm no expert) the competition yellow was called it was after the decision to mandate tire pressure, and officials had already checked tire pressures on tires waiting in the pits for changing later in the race.
Does anybody still have a tape of the race? If so, please review it and let us know what happened.
I still think that the speeds had a lot to do with everything, speeds were up, even over the spring race. Seems i remember Parsons or some one else in the booth saying that the tires would not hold up under the increased speeds. Granted the camber and pressures used by the teams have a ton to do with the tire problems, but the increased speeds were the main issue all weekend. I couldn't figure out why the track wan't re-surfaced in the first place after the 04 season???? It was and still is very bumpy, now Humpy decides he will pave it!!??? What the...!! Give me a break, this wreaks of Humpy trying to pull a fast one IMO. Good Year couldn't or wouldn't keep up with the increasing speeds at the track. I really think Humpy, Good Year, and then Nascar are to blame for the horrible race in that order.
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