Nationwide Series at Talladega

Looks like some of the lucky ones (further back) will be looking for new partners.

Mickey says the #1 and #2 crashed him...apparently he is innocent.:p
Crunch time, some one trying to get to his dance partner and half the field gets taken out....gotta love plate racing, isn't it awesome?!:sarcasm:
Looks like it may come down to "switch differentials"...who can stretch out their switch times to maximize bumper to bumper time and minimize swaps. Intriguing.
Sounds like they are trying to stay cool (pushers) and then they will burn em down on the last five laps. :punkrocke

I have the feeling some one going over the finish line on their roof!
I have the feeling we are going to see a lot more of this tomorrow.....sigh
Obviously blocking doesn't work in this type of racing...the rear engine keeps going...can't see the block.
I don't know, I'm at work following the race in this thread. I'll let you know when I watch it in the morning.
I still think last lap NASCAR should race to the line Nemecheck might have got em.
Too bad Wallace's car got airborne. Race would've stayed green.
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