need help finding a e-mail


Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
i am looking for the "Alamba MC" the one on how to get rednecks to go the the middle east...and lists like 10 things on how to do it like. they hate Jesus, nascar, and killed dale earnhardt.......if anyone has this please send it to me.
W.VA. Special Forces

The latest ploy to drive the Taliban and Al Queda out of the mountains
of Afghanistan is to send in a team of West Virginia Special Forces.

Billy Bob, Bubba, Boo, Skeeter, and Cooter are being sent in with the
following information about the Taliban:

1. There is no limit.
2. The season opened last weekend.
3. They taste just like chicken.
4. They don't like beer, pickup trucks, country music, or Jesus.
5. They don't like barbecue.
6. They were responsible for Dale Earnhardt's racing death.

:2gunsfiri :sniper: :chainsaw:

Is this what you're looking for lap 3
I believe you are EXACTLY correct unknown. PURRRRRR
But where is the link?? meowwww????
Hey Kat,That red dot they put on there womens forehead,Is that a reset button.If so I want one for Mrs.Pbunch.:p
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