Nope, I never posted there. I didn't post much on the ESPN forum either - I usually just laughed at the total insanity. It was generally "boys have at it" on there, and there were trolls that would jump on and say the craziest, most off the wall things. The only time I really saw anything being modded was when people would snitch on each other. LOL.
There were some cool and funny people on there, though. One or two of them were crazy Kyle fans like you. Ha ha.
The figure skater? She's a cutie!
Dude, I used to be into Asian women big time, especially Korean ones, but I like all equally these days. I posted a lot of those pictures on a Korean Drama forum I used to visit. I think all their data got deleted somehow and they had to start over from scratch. I never re-registered for the new forum because I had already essentially lost interest in K-Dramas at that point. Pretty much everyone there was cool, though.
Anyway, I digress. There is a race to rate and a bonehead award to give out in this thread.