no longer single

Same one you were heart broke over last month.......or a new one?

Congratulations in either case!!:)
Damn, another one off the market! Lappy you're breakin' my heart ;)
That is great you got a g/f. I wish I had a boy friend.

wow, that is great news...see you got a girlfriend when you probably least expected the world looks a whole lot brighter to you now right? well..........happy for you..........:D
hope she likes nascar too......:D
Lap3 got a girl friend!Lap3 got a girl friend!Lap3 got a girl friend!NA NA NA NA Lap3 likes girls NA NA NA NA:p Good luck my friend.I hope it works out.
Lap, I thought you were in love and totally heart broken like a few days ago over some other girl...
Men are known to be fickle that way, don't you know? :p

Just kidding, Lap3. Congratulations!
Well most women I've met have all turned out to be CRAZY.:cookoo: I'd rather be fickle than crazy.:sketchy:
Ain't notin in the world like a big eyed girl
Make you act so funny
spend youre dog gone money
Make ya feel real loose
Like a long neck goose
Isn't that a song by someone who married his 15 year old cousin?
Which is just way gross. I hope you not implying that Lap3 has a thing for little girls. This is probably an appropriate time to mention that Daddy gave me a Glock for my 15th birthday and I know how to use it.
Kimi, Don't bust a cap in me ,I was just playing Kimi Ma Barker
:2gunsfiri >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pbunch :D
Originally posted by paul
Lap, I thought you were in love and totally heart broken like a few days ago over some other girl...

kids these days....a few more weeks he'll be complaing how it didn't work:rolleyes:
Just remember,Once they say I Do,They Don't,I think a marriage lic.should be like a drivers lic.When it expires if you don't renew it then its over.What ever is in each others name is theres,And the other bills are split down the middle.There is never a good solution when it comes to the kids.:(
well as long as you two are happy, thats all that counts..just don't get to young for lots of years for puppy love, crushes, till the right one comes along and you know it is REAL LOVE..............
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