Official Daytona 500 Thread



This worked well with the 125's for those who watch the race and use a computer or laptop at the same time. Good luck to all the drivers. May we have a safe race.
Well, we made a few laps with no troubles. Good start though I'm sure Jeff Green's not to happy.
That big jump that Green got worked against him, and since he decided not to do all the practice sesions, I wonder if they worked on how his car will work in the pack.
Nice save by Bobby, lets hope it didn't do any damage under his car, all he should need is tires and hopefully he can work his way back up threw the field.
The race is neat with the surround sound at the fire department hehehe
Quote of the day(so far) Darryll Waltrip: If we got these smaller fuel cells, we need bigger pit box's.

I can't believe nobody got hurt when everyone pitted. crazy. Just a matter of time.
Glad to see him walk away from that, could have been bad! DJ just made it through.
Damn rain, I hope it doesn't take to long, I wanted to watch the Simpsons tonight.
I live 2 miles away. It's raining at my house right now. Son of a bizzatch!
I hope so, dang rain.... I have to go to to work in 3 hours, now I might not get to watch the end, DANG DANG DANG
It's officially POURING. . .This race may not continue. I mean POURING on my house right now.
Pic time....


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Last one... what happened here?


  • 500e.jpg
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I don't know what happened there. Real scary for the pit guys.
It's going to rain. :(


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